Pelo motivo de direitos autorais, só dá pra ver o vídeo em computador. Os professores de Harvard Richard Alpert e Timothy Leary fizeram história em 1963 quando foram despedidos daquela instituição por conduzir pesquisas controversas [More]
Thanks for tuning in ❤️ Be here now Ram Dass 24/7 Lofi Radio is presented by Ram Dass’ Love Serve Remember Foundation, and is made possible through donations from viewers like you. Chat commands: !song [More]
Alles von Neale Donald Walsch:, In einer persönlichen Atmosphäre führt Neale Donald Walsch in die Grundlagen seines Buches “Gespräche mit Gott” ein und führt die Seminarbesucher durch seine Welt und Erkenntnisse. In einigen Frage-Antwort-Sessions [More]
Your potential is limitless. Download or Stream Inspirational Speeches by Dr. Wayne Dyer on: Tiktik: Youtube: Wayne Dyer’s Principles: 1. When you change the way you look at things, the things you look [More]
[t9Od6.[F.r.e.e R.e.a.d D.o.w.n.l.o.a.d]] Ageless Body, Timeless Mind: The Quantum Alternative to Growing Old by Deepak ChopraDeepak ChopraM.D. Deepak ChopraDeepak Chopra D.O.C Download or Read PDF with link on description here: [landingpages]0517882124
A well-known concept that has emerged from Taoist philosophy is wu wei, that can be translated as “non-action”, “effortless action”, or the paradoxical “action of non-action”. Cuts, voice, footage, script by Einzelgänger. I used creative [More]
What’s the difference between spirituality and religion? For the majority of my life, I was opposed to religion and when I would hear the term “spirituality”, I’d just associate it with religion, and therefore saw [More]