Afrin operasyonunda TSK ve ÖSO, teröristlerin sızma girişimlerine karşı derinlemesine operasyonlara dün ara verdi. Askeri birliklerin harekatı yatay yönlü olarak devam ediyor. Afrin’deki terörist unsurlara yönelik harekâtta TSK ve ÖSO, kent merkezine yönelik derinlemesine operasyonlara [More]
Partieé sur les livres Conversations avec Dieu aux Ed.
Pashto Tang Takoor presents pashto new madani mahfal with best pashto rabab saaz.The rabab is very sweet music in pashto songs and its very popular in pashto have all copyrights.
Wasn’t expecting to do any hockey videos this year. This is the 2013 James Neal video NO COPYRIGHT INTENDED FAN MADE VIDEO
From cosmic evolution to human consciousness, everything is connected. #FoodForThought #Philosophy #UniverseInABowl #Mindfulness —– Deepak’s latest book, #QuantumBody, is now available at your favorite retailer or at * * As an Amazon Associate, I [More]
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YOUR THOUGHTS CREATE YOUR REALITY | Deepak Chopra “Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of [More]
Stuart Wilde Miracles audiobook Stuart makes the point that creating miracles in our lives is no more complicated than understanding the metaphysics of the Universal Law, which states that within human beings there lies an [More]