Sadhguru is a realized yogi, mystic and visionary who has dedicated himself to the elevation of the physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing of all people. Sadhguru is often described as a contemporary guru, since he [More]
Between God and man there is a hierarchy of spiritual energy levels and fields of graduated power. These are intuited and referred to as the Holy Spirit, the Higher Self, the Grace of God, angels, [More]
In this video David R. Hawkins explains how to raise your level of consciousness . this is a sample from the Lecture Transcending the mind series ~ Perception & Positionality ,cd 3 all lectures can [More]
Click to download Eckart Muthesius 1930: Der Palast des Maharadschas in Indore – Architektur und Interieur / The Maharaja s Palace in Indore – Architecture and Interior Ebook Online