Deepak Chopra – The voices in your head do not belong to you. Deepak Chopra is an Indian American public speaker, and writer on Ayurveda, spirituality and mind-body medicine. Chopra began his career as an [More]
Stuart Wilde ( talks from the Alma tunnel in Paris about how Diana Princess of Wales did NOT die in the car crash, she and Dodi died by lethal injection.
Read Secular Judaism: Faith Values and Spirituality Book
Spirituality beyond Religion (Part 10 of 11)
I was invited to discuss some current events we face today with Jay Campbell, Gerald Clark and Matthew LaCroix. Spirituality, Philosophy, Current Events, Politics & The Anunnaki were the main topics. Become a Leak Project [More]
What is up! Today we’ll be talking about… Sex. Mainly what sex is and how we can implement it into our lives, as part of our spiritual journey. Enjoy! – Koi ★MY BOOK/EBOOK: & [More]
Download: Joe Vitale – Wealth Trigger 360 Review Dr,Joe,Vitale,Wealth,Trigger,360,Review