With love to Neale. Thank you for everything you’ve done. Conversations with God is a sequence of books written by Neale Donald Walsch. It was written as a dialogue in which Walsch asks questions and [More]
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With an introduction from Jack Kornfield, for the keynote address to the International Transpersonal Association conference, Ram Dass reflects on the predicament our technology has created. He suggests steps we need to make within ourselves [More]
https://www.eckharttollenow.com In this Question and Answer preview, Eckhart Tolle advises to focus on your inner state—but not as a means to an end.
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Forgiveness is a powerful act — but all too often, we reject this compassion for anger and indignation. In this short clip, which is an excerpt from Consciousness Engineering, bestselling author Neale Donald Walsch explains [More]
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