مؤسف جدااااااااا طفل يتيم الام في 13 من العمر يتعرض لضرب مبرح بالماتراك من قبل رجال الشرطة وسط العاصمة التونسية
In this audiobook the author, Dr. Wayne Dyer, talks about ten secrets for success and inner peace that he found were working for him. If there were just 10 things that you needed to know [More]
Cuando las cosas no marchan como debieran, cuando te sientes preocupado por alguna situación en particular, cuando no encuentras la salida a un problema, cuando el dinero no alcanza, o simplemente cuando te encuentras de [More]
This talk took place in Santa Cruz, CA, in March of 1977. Ram Dass shares his experiences with Buddhist meditation teachers in Thailand and his explorations with Jack Kornfield and Joseph Goldstein. 0:07 Story time [More]
Download Now http://www.ezbooks.site/?book=0520089480 My Tibet Text by his Holiness the Fourteenth Dali Lama of Tibet PDF
Dr. Eckart von Hirschhausen (7/7)
www.evolutionrevolution.net – Tomorrow god is about the new spiritual way of life. It is a new and another road, not specifically a better way. A new chance for mankind. A new god, the god complete. [More]