Why would they rush, as a bird, flushed to you? Some think silly, when they sing, we presume..yes we *smile*. You, as i, realize the convenience, of this new technology two’s.. as we serch for [More]
Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne sur YouTube : http://f24.my/youtube EXCLUSIF – Le dalaï-lama a accordé un entretien exclusif à France 24. Selon lui, le nouveau pouvoir chinois est plus conciliant avec la cause tibétaine et pourrait [More]
Richard Alpert was Professor at Harvard University; he worked on research projects concerning effects of LSD. In India he met Guru Neem Karoli Baba, called Maharaj Ji, and became his devotee. He changed his name [More]
Pashto Tang Takoor presents pashto new madani mahfal with best pashto rabab saaz.The rabab is very sweet music in pashto songs and its very popular in pashto music.www.pashtotangtakoor.com have all copyrights.
Spirituality is living life as it was meant to be… not as we may have desired or wanted living it. Living a life of choice is not the forte of all human beings. Those on [More]
In Loving Memory of: STUART WILDE SEPTEMBER 24, 1946 – MAY 1, 2013 Thank you Mr. Wilde for your last expression of the divine on this planet. Thank you for the inspiration you gave me [More]
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Hello Angels, Activists, Legacy Leaders and Way Showers, As the founder of http://blazingborders.com I am honored be to a powerful Guide that highlights humanities most admirable and inspirational Legacy Leaders. Blazing Boarders is a site [More]