Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, “Halledemiyorsanız bir gece ansızın Sincar’a gireriz, oradaki PKK’lıları da temizleriz. Bu iş çok daha uzarsa yeni bir Zeytin Dalı da orada olur.” dedi. Cumhurbaşkanı ve AK Parti Genel Başkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Beştepe [More]
In this conversation with Lothar Schäfer, Eckhart discusses our shared connection with consciousness and how science and spiritual practice can follow the same path towards awakening. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: Want [More]
Spirituality Within Religious Traditions in Social Work Practice (Spirituality/Religious Values) by R.e.a.d and D.o.w.n.l.o.a.d N.o.w [Spirituality Within Religious Traditions in Social Work Practice (Spirituality/Religious Values)]Click Here >>> [R.e.a.d] Spirituality Within Religious Traditions in Social [More]
Eckart von Hirschhausen: Singen geht unter die Haut, berührt, verbindet …
Amid reports of back channel talks going on between Tibetan government in exile and the Chinese authorities Beijing has now said it will only talk with the representatives of The Dalai Lama and not the [More]
You are watching module one from the masterclass “Mystical Journeys” where eleven heart-centered luminaries will share their diverse personal encounters with one of these spiritual phenomenon: Angels, Spirit Animals, the Goddess, Nature, the Akashic Records, [More]
#DoesChoiceExists #SpiritualTeachings #DavidHawkins In one of his lectures, Dr. David R. Hawkins tackles the dilemma of choice … what is choice? … Does choice really exists? … What he says may very well shock you [More]
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