A Tribute to the Women of Iran – Leading the Way to a New World – Valentine for Rumi Thanks to Donna Cruz and Adam Plack and @Tommy Boy records for the Gif of Love [More]
Watch The President Show Season 1 Online For Free at : http://tinyurl.com/ThePresidentShow2017 The President Show is a television comedy series that premiered on Comedy Central on April 27, 2017. The show is created by and [More]
Eckhart shares an important practice for this challenging time that allows us to rise above our thoughts about external circumstances and access a deeper dimension of ourselves. Subscribe to find greater dimension in life: http://bit.ly/EckhartYT [More]
Eckhart shares a helpful reminder about separating viewpoints from the reality of what is to avoid creating suffering. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: http://bit.ly/EckhartYT Want to watch and hear more of Eckhart’s Teachings? [More]
“It turns out that specific numbers can be assigned to letters. And the tuning-fork sounds you’ll be meditating to are the exact sounds ascribed to the letters that comprise the Divine name of God. This [More]