A rare and early recording from a 1966 LSD Conference at the University of California – Prior to his travels in India, Ram Dass talks about exploring various uses of psychedelics including creating social institutions [More]
An Evening with Ram Dass NYC, 1985 Part 1 Ram Dass discusses awareness and experience with LSD.
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One of the world’s most revered leaders and a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, the Dalai Lama in an exclusive interview to NDTV spoke for the first time on the self-immolation a few weeks ago of [More]
http://filmow.com/u-s-marshals-t1146 A polícia de Chicago, ao investigar um acidente, descobre que as impressões digitais do ferido confere com as impressões digitais de um suspeito por duplo assassinato. Assim Mark Sheridan (Wesley Snipes), o acidentado, é [More]
http://www.lucidology.com Get your free Lucidology 101 Lucid Dream & OBE Induction Explorer’s Kit which has everything you need to have your very first OBEs and lucid dreams tonight. In it you’ll get: “How Many Of [More]
Several family members, close friends, and students of metaphysical visionary & author Stuart Wilde (www.stuartwilde.com) appeared in a tribute for him on the Outer Limits Of Inner Truth (www.outerlimitsradio.com) Radio Show. Author of over 20 [More]
In this 1996 audiobook, Stuart Wilde humorously teaches how we can unify our attention, intention, and action in order to access the abundant inner resources that will enable us to experience freedom and abundance. Stuart [More]
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