Extrait de son LP éponyme de 1984 sorti sur Philly World Records.
Stuart Wilde discusses the law of attraction and how when you raise your vibration higher equal to the state of consciousness of the thing you’re trying to attract into your life
This Relatrick concerns women who are stuck trying to change their man. Frazzled and exhausted, Dr. Hawkins tells them they are trying too hard. In fact, they are enabling the very problem they are trying [More]
If you’re seeing this, you’re changing the world! This video explains how Dr David Hawkins’ The Map of Consciousness and raising your vibration reflects your impact on the collective consciousness of the planet and everyone [More]
Mark Goddard interviewed by Studio Kaiju
How To Deal With Regrets Neville Goddard In this insightful YouTube video, we delve into the topic of dealing with regrets, drawing inspiration from the teachings of Neville Goddard. Regrets can weigh us down and [More]
In this video, #nevillegoddard breaks down a profound concept that everything in the objective reality is a product of the human imagination. The central message revolves around the idea that all things, from remarkable achievements [More]
Today’s message comes from the “Cosmic Reading Cards” by Nari Anastarsia