Deepak Chopra–valentine to rumi
meditacion Aquietar la Mente (Deepak Chopra)
Deepak Chopra debate- science vs spirituality Deepak Chopra is the Founder and Chairman of the Chopra Foundation, and Founder and Co-Chairman of the Chopra C. Try to imagine this debate without Sam Harris being there [More]
Affluence is the experience in which our needs are easily met and our desires spontaneously fulfilled, says one of our kindest authorities on living in harm. Deepak Chopra is an amazing human being with a [More]
Ram Dass speaks at Tim Leary’s memorial
Ram Dass describes the levels the Western mind has to go through to move beyond rational thought, and accept that other planes of reality are just as real as the physical plane. Then, and only [More]
This video introduces Alchemy Techniques – a range of methods to transform consciousness through healing emotional trauma and accessing exceptional states of consciousness. Drawing on modern trauma healing methods along with shamanic and esoteric practices, [More]
Eckart von Hirschhausen über Stärken und Schwächen
Vos humana en Español. Material indispensable para el éxito. El W. Dyer nos ofrece un libro que busca provocar la reflexión de aquellos que han decidido conscientemente seguir el camino de la libertad. Los diez [More]