HIS HOLINESS THE DALAI LAMA ON AWAKENING COMPASSION: His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Public Talk and Dialogue with Artists on the Transformative Power of Creativity and Art Celebrate with His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama [More]
Chant de guérison ………..Om Mani Padme Hum …….. Durée: 1h10. Texte: Prière au Bouddha Menlà (Bouddha de la Guérison) Ce chant ne serait pas chanté par S.S le Dalai-Lama comme certains sites internet l’affirment pourtant!!! [More]
Autre interview en anglais:www.dailymotion.com/video/x93cld_neale-d-walsch-1-on-the-ed-bernstei_webcam LE FILM en FR:www.dailymotion.com/video/x49l05_conversations-avec-dieu-1-neale-d-w_shortfilms Sur les religions en FR:www.dailymotion.com/video/x51a1r_dieu-dit-oubliez-la-religion-et-rev_news Lecture d’une partie du tome 1 en FR:www.dailymotion.com/video/x8y77b_lecture-conversation-avec-dieu-de-n_shortfilms
Pas évident du tout, mais quel beau message de sagesse ♥♥♥ Site Eckart Tolle (Français) http://www.eckharttolle.fr/ Chapitre de l’avènement de la conscience Vous connaître et en connaître sur vous ” Il se peut que vous [More]
Suite:www.dailymotion.com/video/x49yk2_neale-donald-walsch-4-abondance-con_politics Début:www.dailymotion.com/video/x49x83_neale-donald-walsch-1-abondance-con_politics
(1/9) We are God, God is Love – Neale Donald Walsch
‘Conversations with Robyn’ – featuring Neale Donald Walsch
How is the art of manifestation different from the law of attraction? Watch as Dr. Wayne Dyer explains how we all have the ability to manifest anything we want into our lives. Find OWN on [More]
http://wisdomfromnorth.com/ This summer I visited Venice. I brought my camera in case I would find someone to interview, and so I did. Kristin Flood is a half italian/ half norwegian author and journalist who has [More]