According to world-renowned author teacher and thinker Deepak Chopra, technology has the potential to heal the planet in many ways, by fostering relationships. “I believe that technology is the manifestation of God through the human [More]
Do Not Miss This Video!: Powerful Manifesting Ritual! It is time to take your manifesting to the next level! -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- AFTER MANY REQUESTS, HERE THE SAME GREAT INFO WITHOUT THE DISTRACTING BACKGROUND MUSIC! Please [More]
Rusya, Afrin operasyonunu dikkatle takip ettiğini ve bu konudaki haberleri endişeyle karşıladığını duyurdu.Öte yandan harekatın BM’ye taşınacağı duyuruldu. Suriye sınırında savaş uçakları bombalamaya başladı. Türk savaş jetleri, PYD hedeflerini bombalıyor. ÖSO birlikleri de Afrin’e doğru [More]
Apakah Anda mengenalnya sebagai Lao Tzu, Laozi, atau Lao-Tze, “Master Tua” ini adalah seorang filsuf dan penulis Tiongkok. Kutipan (Quotes) Lao Tzu ini memberikan wawasan tentang orang bijak ini dan ajarannya. Hidup antara abad ke-4 [More]
In this 15 minute guided meditation, Eckhart delves into the profound topics of stillness, consciousness, and embracing the state of not knowing. We will explore the essence within, uncover the power of formless consciousness, and [More]
I do not claim this video to be mine, only want to share what has been taken d*** The Tao Te Ching (pronounced Dao De Jing) was a book of wisdom written for kings by [More]
Spirituality plays a different ballgame than science, so the language used in either of them doesn’t often match up to the other side. New York Time bestselling author and spiritual teacher Rob Bell posits that [More]
His Holiness the Dalai Lama talks about the oneness of humanity during his meeting with Swedish parliamentarians at his residence in Dharamsala, HP, India on September 2, 2023.
Why would they rush, as a bird, flushed to you? Some think silly, when they sing, we presume..yes we *smile*. You, as i, realize the convenience, of this new technology two’s.. as we serch for [More]
Joe Vitale – Dr. Joe Vitale – ASK FOR HELP! Here’s why. Law of Attraction tips and tricks from star of The Secret Dr. Joe Vitale. Online Courses: Work with Dr. Joe Vitale as [More]