CHAPTER 10: A NEW EARTH A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose 《一個新世界》喚醒內在的力量 作者: 艾克哈特‧托勒 Eckhart Tolle
When we announced on Facebook that Eckhart Tolle and Oprah were sitting down once again, questions for Eckhart began pouring in. Watch as he answers two of your most burning questions: How do you calm [More]
Really amazing wisdom from author & speaker Dr. Wayne Dyer! If you are on the spiritual path and seeking deeper truth in life, Dyers ”Manifesting Your Destiny” series is going to be an unforgetable experience. [More]
Clip original : Descarca subtitrarea: Vizitaţi site-ul Un videoclip rar dar totuşi puternic a lui Neale Donald Walsch, autorul cărţii „Conversaţii cu Dumnezeu”. Acest videoclip vă va captiva şi inspira în timp [More]