Best selling author of the “Conversations with God” series, Neale Donald Walsch, speaks in the Temple of Consciousness at Lightning in a Bottle 2015. Subscribe to Lightning Talks to see the full talk: LIB [More]
Parfois, nous avons tendance à laisser notre mental diriger notre vie. Sur le plan de la pensée, la résistance est une forme de jugement. Sur le plan émotionnel, c’est une forme de négativité. L’intensité de [More]
Enjoy the most beautiful 20 minutes you can spend with this incredibly kind and spiritual man. These moments of lecture are so exquisite that it could’ve been possible he’d die there and then (9:30). Doc [More]
Lama Surya Das and his dear friend Baba Ram Dass share a special conversation. Filmed at Ram Dass’s home on Maui. For more details feel free to visit: