Download Here End of Religion Encountering the Subversive Spirituality of JesusDownload Read The End of Religion: Encountering the Subversive Spirituality of Jesus Book Download FreeDownload Read The End of Religion: Encountering the Subversive Spirituality [More]
Swamiji was at Stanford University on September 30th, 2011 (Friday) to deliver an enlightening talk on the topic of “Science and Spirituality”. The lecture was followed by a Q&A session.
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On Monday the 14th of September His Holiness the Dalai Lama visited Oxford for the formal launch of the Dalai Lama Centre for Compassion. Following a press conference at Magdalen College, the Dalai Lama arrived [More]
Con el fondo de una suave melodía con sonidos indígenas, serás llevado a sentir la fuerza que emana del fondo de la Tierra, y así conectarte con tu fuerza interior. Esta meditación es ideal para [More]
Deepak Chopra es un médico indio. Hábil disertante y escritor prolífico, ha escrito extensamente sobre espiritualidad y el poder de la mente en la curación médica. Está influenciado por las enseñanzas de escrituras tradicionales indias [More]
Ram Dass – Opening the heart – Service
Little Money Bible – The Ten Laws of Abundance. In part 1 and part 2 of this wonderful little “money bible”, Stuart Wilde presents the ten laws of abundance and money, showing us that we [More]
Great Book, Very Relaxing And Brilliant! Thank you! Enjoy!