How is the art of manifestation different from the law of attraction? Watch as Dr. Wayne Dyer explains how we all have the ability to manifest anything we want into our lives. Find OWN on [More] This summer I visited Venice. I brought my camera in case I would find someone to interview, and so I did. Kristin Flood is a half italian/ half norwegian author and journalist who has [More]
Wayne Dyer’s Wishes Fulfilled is the most extraordinary product from this author. But not only from this author, from my point of view Wayne Dyer Wishes fulfilled is one of the best product on spiritual [More]
In simple terms, spiritual research is researching the spiritual dimension or spiritual realm with the help of an advanced sixth sense (ESP). The spiritual realm is that which cannot be perceived through our five senses, [More] Kristin Flood er en norsk forfatter og journalist og har 25 års erfaring i mindfulness og nærværstrening. Hun holder kurs og foredrag som inspirerer deltakerne til å gjenopprette kontakten med sitt autentiske jeg. Metodene [More]