Path to a Happy Life

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His Holiness the Dalai Lama talks about the power of affection and inner values, the path to a happy life, in this clip from our archives recorded in Vancouver, Canada on September 9, 2006.

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@Out-Of-Care says:

That's all I have to say, goodbey and tommorrow a good day 💕♥️💕👋🙏🙏

@Out-Of-Care says:

Not only Buddhist monks have to practice compassion, I just meant: especially Buddhist monks. So that was more a sort of type fault 🙏

@Out-Of-Care says:

Only Buddhist monks have to practice compassion. That is the job of Buddhist monks. Lama's are only teachers of compassion and Lama's are Lama's due to the reincarnation for the benefit of others. Also one's with a not official title will definitely reincarnate. It is even in all probability true that everyone on earth reincarnates, but in what is the question. Wrong doing's and also the purifications in this life lead to the decisions of the rebirth's. The justification is therefore after this life, unless you have purified your thinking, mind and heart already in this life. When you purify your Karma then also you will understand the reincarnation much better and also as true fact, but that indeed depends on how much you care about yourself and also others 🙏

@Out-Of-Care says:

But also compassion is good. Compassion as word means more love or forgiveness. Compassion as word means: to do things which could be important or even very important for someone else. With that I fully agree. Compassion can also be understood as, finding the truth about others in order to help and with this help you will definitely find yourself too. So sorry about my not true compassionate words in the previous comments. But don't play with your life out of compassion is my advice and also: Anyway I shall never say officially to others: compassion till you're death and also that is to my opinion an agressive speech, thank You 💕💕🙏🙏

@Out-Of-Care says:

The purpose of life is the realisation that there finally are no problems 🙏

@Out-Of-Care says:

So that was my voice and I hope you all on this planet will be happy and that human beings who has the right to live in peace in their own country also can live in their own country, without wars, but in peace 👋💕🙏

@miwanaga2794 says:

ア 日本はフィリピンに対し5億5,000万ドル、ベトナムに対して3,900万ドルの賠償を行った。その他の条約当事国は日本に対する賠償請求権を放棄した。[14条(a)1]

@miwanaga2794 says:


@user-uw9gv5cw8i says:

no more batmitzavah – for me– no more rabbi heidi cohen – she is homosexual and lgbtq

@Out-Of-Care says:

Last but not least:
About religious idea's you also can be short, but too what you want. If you need a God in your life you may believe.
The thing is to understand: I Am = God.
Further the reality is God. No matter whether you are a believer or not 🙏

@Out-Of-Care says:

Except the learning of things which has to be learned in life, for example biologhy or history, anyway as young one is logical. Things you want to achieve in your life that depends on what you want. Therefore no-one can decide for you. Actually there is nothing to achieve, except that you work a little bit for a better world but that also is a wrong view. Atlas holds the planet and not you. What you want is just what you want and make in that then the right choices. With that: never accept a mainly spiritual teaching. If you want really to be enlightened then the path is always open for you. Be careful to with concepts about enlightenment because also these teachings can lead to big confusions. Decide yourself and be yourself 💕🙏

@Out-Of-Care says:

Also: compassion is a suffering thing. Good suffers oftenly under the bad. Bad that is often never able to become good, no matter how compassionate you are. With that compassion is a dangerous thing and can also lead to big confusions or even worse psychosis. Compassion is therefore not a thing to educate to one's of a young age. That you have to be good for others and normal towards others can be educated in a young age. The matter of compassion (not as word, but understood as action) is a very difficult matter. My advice is to be compassionless until you yourself wants to make the decision whether you want to be compassionate or not. These things I am glad to say, even at the cost of My life. Things about compassion or action are anyway in human beings and that needs no further explanation 🙏

@Out-Of-Care says:

Also it is important in especially education systems that to harm others is not good. If that is learnt on a very young age already then the chance that there are in the future wrong doing's by one's is already reduced a lot. Therefore parents have to be strict but meanwhile also very kind. Agression is never good and word-wide agression is not at all good. We don't have to learn how a gun works, we have to learn how to get rid of weapons. That's all 🙏

@Out-Of-Care says:

Compassion till you're death is a wrong view. No-one can decide for an other what he or she has to do. If that is the case then there's dictatorship. The only compassion is to learn on a very young age that it is all about the basic needs and how to remain those basic needs for everyone and that has to be known only for some time and not until you're death 👋💕🙏

@Out-Of-Care says:

The source of happiness is in principal basic needs for everyone, inner happiness is also only based on basic needs. You can be enlightened as God himself but without water there is no source of happiness ♥️🙏

@Out-Of-Care says:

We live in a world surrounded with a lot of technology. As final speaking on YouTube I want to say some basic things. When there will come a computer disaster or something similar then this has to be known: it's always about the basic needs, now already too that is the case, therefore too it is important to help other countries in these basic needs. But if there will come a failure in computer systems then it is important to know that the growing of products, the production of and the logistics things related to products remain, that thus without technology because maybe in a future time there could be a failure in computer systems which are also based on the basic needs. If that will happen, thus a computer failure, maybe that will never happen, then still it is very important to know that we still have to work for the basic needs, world-wide. Fine, all these technologies but with a failure it is all not fine anymore. Therefore the knowing that it is important that there is still a food supply without technology is a must. We are full of technology, on many levels, also to go to the moon or even Mars, but it is about safety. Safety is that we know that with a world-wide computer failure, it is very important that we know it is about the basic needs. Again too that is With computer technology now already also important. I may hope that a computer failure will not happen but these things do could very possibly happen, soon or maybe in a far future. So good it is all not that we are dependent on technology and for sure we don't have to be proud on our creation of technology. About 20 years next generations have possibly no idea anymore about how technology works. Children who are now educated in technology have to learn all kind of things which children even don't want to learn at all. So my opinion is to learn how to get rid of things with time and that we learn what will happen when technology is not to understand anymore. Technology is not important, to survive without technology is important 💕🙏

@miwanaga2794 says:

2018年9月13日ロシアのプーチン大統領が無条件での平和条約締結を提案した。 そして今年1月22日日露首脳会談が行われたが領土問題に進展はなかった。

@miwanaga2794 says:


@miwanaga2794 says:


@miwanaga2794 says:

2.わが国におけるVibrio cholerae O139の発生状況
1993年4月、埼玉県でインドへの旅行者から初めてV.cholerae O139が検出され、7月には長野県でもネパールからの来訪者から本菌が検出された(表1)。これら2事例はいずれも重症のコレラ症状を呈したが、10月のインド由来の栃木県の事例では軽度の下痢であった。1994年2月~4月までに報告された4事例はいずれもタイで感染した。8月にはインド亜大陸由来2事例、さらに10月にはインドおよび中国からの帰国者2名から本菌が分離された。


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