Peace of Mind

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His Holiness the Dalai Lama talks about the usefulness of Buddhist thinking in developing peace of mind at his residence in Dharamsala, HP, India on October 20, 2023.

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John Stachulski says:


SF Love Boat Cruising says:

Thank you ❀ Smile 😊 Thinking Wider πŸŽ‰

Nary smith#Happysuffering says:


Dalai Lama Archive - New says:

If you know how to be satisfied with the material things you have, then you are truly a rich person. If you don't have satisfaction, even if you are a billionaire, you cannot find peace and happiness in your soul.

ThienHuong Hoang says:

Some of the stories I have read about were that of people who could not control/handle their negative emotions, and committed negative acts which later they regretted. So learning how to recognize & control negative emotions is very important.

ThienHuong Hoang says:

Long live His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama.πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™‡πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ™‡πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ™‡πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

Cameron Mac Martin 2 says:

Good morning friends. May your day be filled with an abundance of peace. Have a great day.

Nada Brah Ma says:

Mr. Sob Sob says:

Long live Gyala Ripoche πŸ™πŸ»

KRYPTOS ROCK is a DJ too says:

Scuk that tognue.

KREN says:

πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™TAK FOR HJΓ†LPEN πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™HELD OG LYKKE πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Aileen Serrantes says:

Bless you, dalai lama. I'm sorry I couldn't come and talk to you personally at this time.

Aileen Serrantes says:

How are you?

Olga Prokopieva says:

I am discovering Buddhist teachings. And it has had a profound impact on the quality of my mind. May Dalai Lama and all my teachers be well, happy and peaceful.

Mr. Akkanna Reddy says:

you are doing great service to society. But, in this Kaliyug, even if we spread good things, that will be effective temporarily and badness, cruelness will spread more rapidly than goodness. So, overall it is not possible to change most people into good path, all people to change into good thing I am not writing, because practically it is not possible. So, we have to look for permanent solution to all problems. So, please think about how to end suffering of most people on earth practically. In my view, as long as people there on earth, good, bad, cruelty, rapes on women, poverty, unemployment, killings, wars, bad nature and bad works from most politicians and normal people are common. So, we have to make the world empty, without people, that is only permanent solution to end the suffering. For that , all people no need to die, but just people need to stop producing children , but they can marry and live normal life till old age and die naturally. They have to take precautions for not giving birth to children. Then, there will be no suffering for any person in this world. Ofcourse, this is not good solution, but we don't have positive solutions. I spent many years to understand this . Last 2000 years human history see, we could see good people, helping people, bad, cruel people, people blindly live with faith on god without knowing what is meaning of God and start hating each other, wars, rapes on women, poverty, unemployment, etc. The same thing will continue less or more for next many hundreds, thousands of years. So, along with giving good messages, please focus on what is permanent solution to end the suffering of most people. Little troubles in life are okay, that can be handled by people, that is not an issue. But, bigger problems only the issue. if we want to know about God, we have to search on our own for what is God? by seeing the nature, earth, sun, moon, creation, people, good, bad, nature like trees, birds, insects, different fruits, flowers, etc. and after years of observation , we will understanding god as creator and to follow good path is our duty without hurting others by words or deeds. Blindky we should not believe god by other's words because their words may be true or lies, we dont know. we have to search on our own by questioning and observation, then we will know properly. If we understand what is god? God qualities what could be by observing the society, people, nature, pains, pleasure, problems, happiness, poor, rich , etc..then, it will be easy to understand who is the real god and who is fake god in the society. Then, we can follow real god, who expects good behaviour from a person to live society without hurting others (anybody in the world, but we can stay away from cruel people, or fight for self-protection if cruel people attack us unnecessarily ) by words or by deeds. Even gautama focussed on teaching dharm, ahimsa, good begaviour.


Stanzin Otsal 8E 6041 says:

Great compassionate oneπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Entertainment sk says:

Long live His Holiness ❀❀❀

Tashi Angchuk says:

Long live his the 14 dalai lama

Sarabjeet kaur says:

Can anyone guide me how to practice peace of mind . Someone told me that in main tibetan temple they give teachings of peace of mind and meditation. How to participate in these practices?

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