Peace Summit 2009 – Educating the Heart and Mind

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His Holiness the Dalai Lama along with four other Nobel Laureates and respected leaders in the fields of education, business and social transformation take part in four panel discussions as part of the Vancouver Peace Summit 2009 held in Vancouver Canada on September 27-29, 2009. (

Video courtesy of the Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education.

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Sebstian Müller says:

Some of the greatest humans alive in one room sharing there wisdom and the
video has only 47000 views.
there is still a long way to go humanity….

Petra Kempf says:

Educating the heart – a never ending story.

marek sołek says:

there is a pedagogik , which is fully going in this direction there are the
speakers wish , it is the Steiner pedagogik, noun as the free

Petr Žemla says:

interesting discussion between Murray Gell-Mann, H.H. Dalailama, Eckhart
Tolle, therapist, educator… – creativity, compassion, change of way how
educate people more in harmony with the nature of human mind… in very
first speech Murray mentioned that true creativity is more about playing
with rules than in rules referring to how rugby was found…

Nestora Salcedo says:

My Respects

Iris Franceschini says:

Not even a woman

Shashi Gharti says:
kasia g says:

I like how the dalai lama just starts rummaging about in his dalai man
purse.. :-)

octane says:

dalai hunter s. thompson version

Xavier Morales says:

Can we teach children the most important skills: how their mind works,
compassion, and collaboration?

Bettina Lierz says:


hiergibteszuviele says:

What is Dalai Lama saying? I can’t understand him :’D

Arts, Culture and Education Forum says:

We have the #PowerToCreate a #Culture of #Creativity!

B Weaver says:

always am charged by listening to this type of talk. dalai lama is right
in terms of right intention, rich dialogue, understanding and compassion in
the heart and mind but like many leaders he fails to discuss ‘action’ in
terms of relinquishing privilege and sharing wealth. each of the
spokespeople certainly talk the talk but I wonder of their personal
material wealth-standard of living and how much they are willing to truly
give up their God-given benefit. (radical solution: elephant in room)

Tomas Trnka says:

Its a pity that Sir Robinson has just couple of seconds because he has a
lot to say and lot to teach. 

Rosaura Estrada says:
CivilProcedure says:

Eckhart Tolle!!! Changed my life radically! In a good sense!

Arts, Culture and Education Forum says:

Panel with the Dalai Lama on #Arts and #Culture: “Educating the Heart and

Lucia Dobre says:
artistxmusic says:

Very moving…. Eckhart is definitely tapped into something powerful. When
The Power of Now came out it had a profound impact on my life. I wrote a
song about that book called “All Things Subside”… all about living in the
moment. Check it out on my channel.

Maria Lee says:

Peace? not on this planet. However when they say peace, peace then comes
sudden destruction. These people need locking up they are a danger to
society. What makes them tick?

RichardAlanKosar says:

Please do you know Mind Maps and their world teacher Tony Buzan? This could
be good peace of puzzle for creativity.

Krzysztof Sztukowski says:

why dalai lama havn’t learned english for all this years???

Zorrboon says:

laught so hard ^^

bibs87654 says:

*Cool* people are not always dressed up like movie stars or pop icons …..
just look at the video, they are the coolest ppl on earth!

KennyReddwooddforest says:

The weapon manufacturing corporations like Boeing and Lockeed Martin are
responsible for pushing weapons on the US and other countries like drug
pushers push their drugs on teenagers. And that is why war is being
promoted, perpetuated and increased. It even goes to the point of removal
of our civil rights. It goes against expert scientific advise. The
teenagers in form of politicians today give in to their own greed. Peace
starts with the teens even though it should start with the corporations.

untonsured says:

I’m not sure really…just some nonsense…there’s plenty of it here.

untonsured says:

@PICLex well one does not want to fall into moral relativism

KennyReddwooddforest says:

@KennyReddwooddforest What the experts said is great in regards to learning
through creativity, art, meaningful context, purpose, motivation, love and
through being understood by others, by the teachers, and by parents. And we
must teach animals the same way and meet them where they are even if they
are not as cognitively intelligent as humans are. The animals are our
teachers in regards to character, loving kindess, standing by your side,
tonglen, and bodhichitta. Loving animals is loving us.

karabinbaba says:

it’s Jedi council!

bl1zard says:


Armin Arr says:

Eckhart fuckin Tolle !! fuck yeah

Allan Sousa says:


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