Penn & Teller: Dalai Lama and Tibet

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Mainstream media seems to be only pushing the story about an oppressed Tibet and referring to the Dalai Lama as a saint.
This is a compilation of clips from Penn & Teller Bullshit! Holier Than Thou speaking about Tibet and the Dalai Lama.

The hole episode can be watched here:

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Jiggy Wiggy ASMR says:

Never thought I'd see Teller wearing a KKK hood.

Frank Martin says:

I'd have less of a problem with the Chinese occupation of Tibet if they didn't feel the need to perpetrate blatant cultural genocide and pull a Trump in claiming that Tibet is part of China when its a sovereign fucking nation. That said, except for the bullshit they have actually made things better (except for, apparently, red army soldiers all over the place). Basically, it seems like every good the Chinese do is balanced out by the blatant fucking idiocy that they don't have the spine to admit isn't them being assholes for the sake of being assholes. Add to that the fact that they think they can intervene in a supernatural process that doesn't actually happen (the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama) and choose one that they can manipulate (ignoring the fact that the man himself has said "fuck you I'm not coming back" for all intents and purposes, so choosing another one would just out them as being the retards they are.)

tl;dr this is one of those "nothing but assholes and bullshit" situations.

Fixed Face says:

the enemy of my enemy's enemy is my enemy

Mark Ukrainetz says:

Is Teller ever allowed to speak?

Naeem says:

"The lesser of two evils is still evil & the enemy of my enemy is not my friend." That's the best thing I heard. People always criticize Abrahamic or monotheistic religions – Christianity, Islam & Judaism – AND RIGHTFULLY. However, when it comes to so-called "eastern solutions" or so-called 'spiritualism', they always go soft and sometimes appreciate them. Hinduism & Buddhism are also extremist religion and the criteria to judge that is to look where people adhering to these beliefs are in majority and in power – take the example of current Modi-ruled India which used to be a secular country since its creation and example of Buddhist monks in Myanmar (Burma). If you have to attack irrationality then go after every bullshit.

Ricardo Cosson says:

the dalai lama relinquished any claims to political power a long time ago; he advocates for a democracy and submits to the tibetan government in exile. he only claims to be the spiritual leader of tibet.

Puglous says:

So basically, the Tibetans are to China what the Native Americans are to the United States. A tragic story of colonialism, that led to a ridiculously disingenuous idealization of the victim culture.

Cris Lerose says:

it figures the assholes in "Follywood" (newly coined frase) follow this ass. After watching this video and the "Mother Terrorista" (another newly coined frase) who would follow them.

Tim Whitten says:

Fucked up communism thing?? He never read any Marx then..I thought they were smarter than that..sigh..

Sithis The Void says:

The Dalai Lama is pretending to be a hereditary wizard king who wants to use magic to control the uneducated masses and exploit the western herd. Ghandi was a hypocrite trying to bring back the caste system which is racist by definition. Mother Theresa was a disgusting demagogue who was not a friend of the poor but a friend of poverty and loved taking money from genocidal and criminal politicians. Less intelligent human beings use them as an example to follow before looking in to their lives and deeds. Thanx to the Bullshit team for bringing it up.

mikedabucify says:

Have they ever done how MLK and atheism are bullshit?

Jack Buxton says:

Well actually Mother Fucker Teresa was a complete fraud. funneling all the donation money towards the large coffers of the Catholic Church while the sick were suffering in virtual death camps. Fucking Bitch

Monty Baconeater says:

Complains about the Dalai Lama living in riches while the common folk live in poverty… Lives in America.

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