People DON'T Realize the HIDDEN TRUTH! URGENT Wake-Up Call You NEED to Hear | Neale Donald Walsch

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Neale Donald Walsch has written 39 books on contemporary spirituality and its practical application in everyday life. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent most of his early adult years thriving professionally yet searching for greater meaning in life. He has said that this yearning led to a series of deeply personal spiritual encounters, which he experienced as direct exchanges with the Divine. A series of books titled Conversations with God emerged from those moments and has been translated into 37 languages. Seven books in the series reached the New York Times bestseller list, Conversations with God-Book 1 remained there for over two-and-a-half years.

His latest book is The God Solution, published in December 2020, which invites humanity to embrace a new global ethic based on a refined and clarified definition of God. The book proposes that there is a single statement of spiritual truth upon which all the world’s religions could agree and which would birth a shift of spiritual paradigms around the globe of such magnitude that it would produce peace and happiness on our planet at last.

19 Years Have Passed Since The Last “Conversations With God” Book Was Published, And Now… Explore The Ideals Of The Highly-Evolved Being With Neale Donald Walsch, And Prepare Yourself For Humanity’s Next Evolutionary Leap Experience 75-Minutes Of Life Transforming Wisdom From The Bestselling Living Legend Behind The Conversation with God Book Phenomenon.

Books in the With God dialogue series, in their order of publication, include: Conversations with God-Books 1-3, Friendship with God; Communion with God; The New Revelations; Tomorrow’s God; Home with God in a Life That Never Ends, and Conversations with God-Book 4.

A series of supplementary texts includes When Everything Changes Change Everything (2010), The Storm Before the Calm (2011), The Only Thing That Matters (2012), What God Said (2013), God’s Message to the World: You’ve got me all wrong (2014), When God and Medicine Meet, (2016), and The Essential Path (2019).

Walsch presents online retreats and lecture programs for persons around the world, focused on what he calls the most important question facing humanity today. That question: Is it possible that there is something we don’t fully understand about God and about Life, the understanding of which would change everything?

In order to deal with the enormous global response to the writings in the Conversations with God body of work, an internet platform has been created at Conversations with God, where the scope and breadth of the CWG messages may be explored in audio, video, and written form, and where readers may get answers directly from the author to any questions they may have about the material.

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The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Next Level Soul, its subsidiaries, or any entities they represent.

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Tanna Orr says:

Love this perspective! I met him once in an airport. Met him once in an airport. It was a lovely experience.

LovingLife Noww says:

Neale Donald Walsh is a Great living expression of Pure Love 🌈🎆☯️♾️💗

J Kim says:

His conversation with Eckhart Tolle is still to this day one of my favorite spiritual conversations of all time.

God's grace Naka says:

Thank you so much both of you

gselzbrot says:

why do just some get god´s direct advise? why does not everybody who´s questioning life get an answer?

rain sunshine says:

He is excusing the fact of social media platforms manipulations. All what we are going through is engineerd by technology Monopoly. He is irrelevant the message is off course.

Passingthru says:

This man has had a profound influence on our consciousness. One of my favorite truths is the mistaken belief that is at the root of all problems on our planet….that there isn’t enough.

johnphillip stevensen says:

Perfect LOVE!

Paula D. Tozer says:

With Neale Donald Walsch as my guide, years ago I had a transformational experience (it lasted for months and now years). It inspired me to be fearless enough to reject traditional religion and set out to find a new reality. Inspiration upon inspiration…aka revelation…deep connection…became the way I have learned to describe the creative force of the Universe…the Wellspring of Inspiration. I also call it unconditional love, because it simply is and is there always and in all ways. Thank you NDW, for lighting the way! ❤❤❤

kursk124 says:


Louisa Hope says:

I think this is a wonderful idea… what about people taking advantage of your kindness and feeling used, abused and I have found people will take and not give.. this has been taught as poor boundary setting .. intrigued in the answer x

Betsy Warner says:

Good stuff here 💯👍!!!!!!☺️💓🙏🤗

Michael Santinon says:

God is weak, and he is unjustly, nor do they care either way, sooo sad to know something exists…and even worse that we do…

Jean Beck says:

My spiritual mentor introduced me to "Conversations with God" Trilogy back in 1997. These 3 books have been a major part of my development as a spiritual being. I still have these books and refer back to them again and again and always find the answer I need to hear. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Neale Donald Walsch.

Δημήτρης Καλοτάντανος says:

hello everybody. even though i've read all the books and thought my life had changed, i suddenly found myself lost in gambling. I didn't even understand how it happened. I lost my finances and mainly myself. I live like I'm lost in space. I have everything . A wonderful family with two children, nevertheless, I fell into this passion. I'm trying to find help and what to do as I haven't talked to anyone and especially my wife who has already forgiven me once before for the same reason. The feeling is unbearable. I am asking if anyone can help me in any way. i love mr Walsch and i would be grateful if i could have an extra answer from him. i want to feel that touch, that communication with people that are from far away. I am from Greece. Peace and love to everyone.

Excuse me for my English if there are not good

CSD says:

Lee, that was so beautiful and it flowed so divinely!! Thank you!!!

Brushstroke says:

Free will? Who has free will?

Kayti Sullivan says:

I think this just saved my life.

Amb. Rev. Gerald B. Coleman says:

This is wonderful. It is in harmony with the concept of Godism developed by Rev Dr & Mrs Sun Myung Moon, the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. In our book published in 2021, called Scientific Godism : A New Theory of Everything as One we refer to this as Human Responsibility. God can not interfere with human responsibility.

Elsa Blue says:

Jesus Christ said " I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the father but by me"
We are called to repent turn to Jesus deny ourselves and follow Him. Born again by the Holy Spirit who comes into our hearts love God love our neighbor. ❤❤👑👑🦁🦁

tantalisinglabrat says:

I think few fully understand this concept and even fewer can fully accept it. Society has programmed us to pretend, to live a lie of what a "hollywood" love is. People who practise unconditional love are regarded as heartless and cold. But the story of setting the bird free and if it wants, it will come back to you says it all. Simply put, l will not force you to love me.

Osmond Noakes says:

The Supposed god of unconditional love and forgiveness and pure love has been possibly rightly created a number of miracles so why can our lord still carry on the great work ! What is the incredible ongoing horrendous problem?

Osmond Noakes says:

Excuse me, where is the still ongoing important question is if god is of pure love, unconditional love and forgiveness where is the world is his very badly need urgent help for many in spite of indeed such ongoing most continuous prays said indeed in trust, faith and confidence. Where is the such badly needed such urgent help in today’s context of things when crucial time is the essence ???

Symeon Carpenter says:

Have you read God's attributes? His greatest is love – another important one is he's also slow to anger and forgiving. So it's knot a new way of thinking of God.

Athena's Reality says:

Because a child doesn't learn anything if a parent fixes the child's life.
Abraham/Hicks has explained this for years.
And most of us mothers understand unconditional love.
It's simple common sense.

SKD DKS says:

A simple, but heart-felt THANK YOU! 💜☺️

Sense Of Soul says:

Awe love him!

Jettn Jim's High Adventures says:

God with a Large G, does not come down here and change anything because it is not a being in the first place… If you're speaking with a god it's a lower g god it's just another being not much different than you or I.

This earth this dimension is about experience experiencing all the Myriad of different sensations.

Love heat hot cold pain pleasure it's a full experience there is no one controlling it there's no little g god coming down to save us. As the big G God is… life itself it's beingness… it IS BEING… not a Being.

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