Peter Russell – Science, Spirituality and the Origin of Consciousness

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Peter Russell discusses the crumbling barriers between science and spirituality, and what contemporary research may be telling us about the origin and nature of consciousness.

Western science has had remarkable success in explaining the functioning of the material world, but when it comes to the inner world of the mind, it has very little to say. And when it comes to consciousness itself, science falls curiously silent. There is nothing in physics, chemistry, biology, or any other science that can account for our having an interior world. In a strange way, scientists would be much happier if minds did not exist. Yet without minds there would be no science. This ever-present paradox may be pushing Western science into what Thomas Kuhn called a paradigm shift — a fundamental change in worldview.

Peter is one of the leading thinkers on consciousness and contemporary spirituality and author of a number of books including From Science to God: A Physicist’s Journey into the Mystery of Consciousness, Waking Up in Time: Finding Inner Peace in Times of Accelerating Change and The Global Brain: The Awakening Earth in a New Century. He believes that the critical challenge today is to free human thinking from the limited beliefs and attitudes that lie behind so many of our problems — personal, social, and global. His mission is to distil the essential wisdom on human consciousness found in the world’s various spiritual traditions, and to disseminate their teachings on self-liberation in contemporary and compelling ways.

Peter is a fellow of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, of The World Business Academy and of The Findhorn Foundation, and an Honorary Member of The Club of Budapest.

Many more interviews at

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Audrey Angelov says:

*In case you’re actually interested in THE TRUTH OF LIFE, go to*
TruthContest◙Com and read what “The Present” says.

*Amazing truths about life for every human being to realize.*

Mr Pregnant - Atelston Fitzgerald Holder 1st says:

Let us embark on the vaguely inexplicable subjectivity of spirituality, and
to conspicuously assume we can engage in discourse over the objectivity of
spirituality is folly, because each individual blabber their mutually
exclusive delusion of grandeur. Now let’s exclude religiosity from the
equation and embrace spirituality as an independent secular factor, “sounds
like a contradiction,” but many treat religiosity and spirituality in stark
contrast. Spirituality seems to dwell on the non-materialistic attributes
of existence, a connection to the intangible being or the nature or essence
of a man. A divine sacred embodiment or liturgy connection with the
intangible, a meaning to life, one that transcends beyond worldly interest,
an intrinsic joy, unity, acceptance, significance or personal rapport with
the universe. Or an external divine intervention that predicates the
narratives of life. A complete vaguely inexplicable mumbo-jumbo gibberish
that’s contingent on the subjectivity of ones delusion.

Christopher Young says:

New to this stuff. So are the more unsavory parts of the human condition
(suffering, hatred, etc) just a result of a distortion in
“Awareness”/consciousness as it manifests itself in who we are as
individuals? If this stuff is true, and humanity is moving toward a new
level of reality through this consciousness paradigm, then shouldn’t it be
seen less as us as individuals evolving, and maybe more as Awareness itself
settling from its distortions and reaching a type of equilibrium in who we
are? Honestly, this stuff is weird and at many times seems kind of hokey,
but if scientific history has taught us anything in the past few years, we
should know to investigate something before judging it. Just exploring
this paradigm. It’s very attractive because it simplifies so much and puts
your mind at ease, but then again billions of people follow their various
religions for the same exact reason.

Healiosphere Æ says:

blah blah blah what a bunch of CONfusion, while using my image!
And this whole video could be summed up in one sentence…

Seen as humans come with unlimited consciousness, basically if you don’t
follow the right, you are leaving your selves wrong on all levels!


Gary Rector says:

There are annoying inaccuracies in this. One example is the statement about
when the terh *paradigm* came into being. It’s been used in the English
language at least since the 15th century.

onsaphi says:

Praise is to God, who has not taken a son, nor does He have a partner in
sovereignty, nor does He have an ally out of weakness. Never did He beget,
nor was He begotten.

Quran: A Reformist Translation. This is the book in which there is no
doubt, a guide for the conscientious.

4:125 Who is better in the system than one who peacefully surrenders
himself to God, and is a good doer, and he followed the creed of Abraham in
monotheism? God took Abraham as a friend.

4:122 As for those who acknowledge and do good work, We will admit them
into gardens with rivers flowing beneath, eternally they will abide
therein. God’s promise is truth; and who is more truthful in saying than

الحمد لله ربّ العالمين

editboxes says:

A good book to read in connection with this is ‘why materialism is baloney’
by Bernardo kestrup. Despite the cheeky title this is a first rate work
that systematically de-constructs the assumptions of materialism in the
most sober and precise manner I have ever seen.

Leesa M Tamashi says:

Oh Yes!

Roger Clough says:

Consciousness is (awareness of a) perception. Leibniz called this
apperception. The conversion by Plato’s Mind of physical sensory never
signals into mental experience.

This is only possible in platonic or idealistic philosophies, such as that
of Leibniz.

You might want to know that Leibniz proposed the most complete theory of
consciousness, which has been ignored by science. For example,

On the inevitable Leibniz revolution in physics and the theory of mind

The current theory of mind is equivalent to saying that the violin plays
the violinist,
or that the brain plays the mind. Bottom-up control.

But common sense tells us that the the violinist plays the violin,
just as mind plays the brain, as shown by everyday experience.
Just as corporations can only operate by top-down control.

The same is true of the universe at large, according to Plato and Leibniz,
as well as from common sense. Else with bottom-yup cobntrol, wqe could not
have a
cybernetic universe, as Weiner sensibly proposed. Leibniz suggested that
that which Plato calls Mind, the One which controls the many.

That the violin plays the violinist is equivalent to bottom-up control,
whereas the condition that the violinist plays the violin just as
mind plays the brain or that the the One controls the many
is the only sensible view of existence, and of cybernetic control theory.

Thus there will eventually be a Leibniz revolution in physics and the
theory of mind.

Beware of the Stanford Leibniz suite, their Leibniz is not platonistic, but
seems to have been written by a group of materialists.

Dr. Roger B Clough NIST (retired, 2000).
See my Leibniz site:
For personal messages use

Deven Lee says:

Love your work Peter Russell !

Margie D Casados says:

*~The Origin~*

I have always been fascinated by topics such as Consciousness, Awareness of
Self, the Origin of Mind, the Origin of Nature.

A blending of Science and Spirituality. a Source..that knows of itself..
Has always been a strong interest to explore…

Why be conscious? Is there a purpose to this? Is it simply a just is.. an
evolving existence experiencing itself.

Anyway, I found this video to be interesting and an intriguing delight.
Hope you enjoy.. and Sending Smiles :)))

#consciousness #awareness #peterrussell #scienceandspirituality 

Jamiemetal Death says:

I wish Peter wouldn’t confuse sense and sensation with consciousness. He
says a crystal hasn’t got the same level of consciousness as a bacterium
and a bacterium hasn’t got the same level of consciousness as a human
being, because it isn’t as complex an organism. Also that trees may be
quite conscious because they sense each other via chemical exchanges etc.
Senses have nothing to do with consciousness. an inanimate chunk of rock
actually has greater consciousness than a human being, precisely because it
has no sense organs. Think flotation tanks. We try to experience pure,
unconditioned consciousness through sensory deprivation. The same with
meditation. We quiet the senses and the thinking mind to approach
unconditioned consciousness. We can only experience unconditioned
consciousness in the absence of sensory information. We experience greater
awareness when we are not focussed on something in particular

Cassandra Martin says:

I have really enjoyed this video. If you are interested in #SacredScience,
I suggest you have a look, too. I will also post this on my blog with more
comments and observations. C

nansir says:

Please work with the Venus Project.

bak2datopic says:

Everything and everyone will come to the same understanding because we one.
Think about it. 

SkyHighGam3r says:

I really wish videos like this would have “No video” in the image, or that
they’d build a youtube for strictly audio.

I’m not invalidating the content of this AUDIO, but I’m not looking to sit
and listen to something, and it’s incredibly frustrating to continually be
linked to radio-shows and audio-only uploads.

As a person who can barely retain information received through hearing,
it’s just a pain in the ass to have to sift through them. Especially when
you shouldn’t have to do so because you are searching through VIDEOS.

Just sayin’.

bak2datopic says:

It’s the marriage between mind – body – spirit “connection”
Science is the connection between mind and body everything at this level is
Combination of all 3 – a balance – understand everything, endless
Spirit having human experience
Consciousness = experience
Everything is having a experience
Everything is equally as wise
Everything is connected
Everything is everything can communicate
Everything works.
It’s amazing simple.
To understand its complexity have understand it’s simplicity

123johnbrowne says:

Love peter’s clear thinking about a very difficult idea. His intellectual
honesty is excellent. Must read more of his work.

Salix storm says:

very good talk! The materialistic view just doesnt hold water anymore. 

bod kin says:

My anus is conscious, & i have engaged with it in Socratic dialogue. My cat
is mediating. This is part of paradigm changing research, please only
serious comments in reply, thanks. 

Autumn CS says:

very interesting!

Russell Barford says:

hour and a quarter to say, know thyself.

MarcusBloomfield says:

If I may add Heist Reclaiming I AM – Ep2 – The Question of Evil

I-Theist says:

Schopenhauer believed that the will to life was fundamental not
consciousness I.e awareness. For Nietzsche it was the will to power. My
question for Mr Russell is why does he differ from these thinkers? Is it
perhaps due to an influence of eastern/Hindu thought? Wouldn’t it be more
likely that a desire/subconscious drive or will is fundamental? 

Jim Eager says:

People don’t go for the dogmatic views of mainstream scientists or
religious leaders. They don’t have enough information to help you evolve
the quality of your consciousness because they themselves are
limited!!!!!!! Get out of the box yourself. It’s the only way. It begins
with an internal desire to change. The sleeper must awaken!

innerlocus says:

I can hear why Peter Russell is no longer a physics of any kind.

Jim Eager says:

If anyone gets an opportunity to read Thomas Campbell’s My Big TOE trilogy
they will be amazed how he integrates philosophy,physics and metaphysics
into the whole of reality. Breakthrough comes from the fringe, not from the

Open-minded Skeptic says:

I concur. The only way this mysterious existence makes any sense to me is
if consciousness came first. It makes no sense and doesn’t even seem
possible that matter came first. Cheers!

Roseanna Rios Leigh says:

I have really enjoyed this video. If you are interested in #SacredScience,
I suggest you have a look, too. I will also post this on my blog with more
comments and observations. C

Peter S. López says:

▶ Peter Russell @PeterJRussell – Science, Spirituality and the Origin of
#Consciousness : ~Pub Apr 27, 2013
@drlouann Over the eons men have been incessant problem-solverrs, yet none
of our basic problems have been solved.

@drlouann Women tend to focus more than men on basic relations and personal
relationships with inter-generational thinking.

@drlouann As a humane being I appreciate the distinctions between The
Female Brain and the Male Brain. I want to develop a Humane Brain.
▶ The Arising and Dissolving of Ego via @PeterJRussell’: ~Pub Aug 16, 2013
▶ Peter Russell @PeterJRussell – ‘The Great Awakening’ – Interview by Iain
McNay: ~Uploaded Aug 20, 2011
▶ The Global Brain via Peter Russell @PeterJRussell ~Uploaded April 15, 2011
@Peta_de_Aztlan aka +Peter S. López 

John Paily says:

Consciousness is a space-time field on which life exist. It is the
space-time field that Einstein searched for. It is not in mind it is beyond
it in heart, not even heart but in reality in the inner space of life- The
world need to be understood as interaction of two parallel space-time field
– the matter we see is the product of these field that has immense energy
and information. This can lead us to reinvent Big Bang from one single
soul, single cell and single being – Christ or God Himself and eventually
the SPIRIT that was contained in the Soul that was sacrificed in Calvary – Peter
Russell – Science, Spirituality and the Origin of Consciousness

admirercp says:

most important whether you gain understanding in order to live free from

LegaliseFreedom1 says:

Peter Russell: “No one has yet offered a satisfactory explanation to the
hard problem of how consciousness itself arises. A second problem with the
conventional answer, is where do you draw the line between conscious and
non-conscious organisms? Wherever you draw that line, you then have to
explain how above that line subjective experience magically appears.

miguelregu says:


LegaliseFreedom1 says:

Peter Russell: “2. Does the brain create the ability to have an experience,
i.e. consciousness. per se? The conventional answer is again yes. However,
there are serious problems with this answer. Notably, how can something as
immaterial as subjective experience ever arise from insentient matter? This
is the so-called “hard problem” – the easy problem (relatively easy, that
is) is understanding the detailed brain function that correlates with a
particular experience.

arjang payrow says:

Hi I have the answer to your question its because we are an single sole
electron that its in our brain and it there to experience life on the plant
and all this happiness and crying and emotions will be around the electron
and it will collect sun light and after we die there is a galexy there in
our solar system that we go as an energy and reunion with all our kind and
help the older elctrons to last longer every creature on this plant has a
galexy and our galexy is 1 of thos 300 million galexy

trudy corrigan says:

you really do talk shit…xXx…

LegaliseFreedom1 says:

How our brains work and consciousness are connected but separate things. I
asked Peter himself about your comment and he said “There are essentially
two questions here, which are often confused and conflated: !. Does the
brain determine what appears in consciousness? The answer is yes. We may
not know the details yet, but I, like most people, believe that for every
experience there is a corresponding brain state. We don’t know the details
yet, but we may well do in time.

Roddy Duncan says:

I think the point is that they choose not to investigate it, they’d rather
ignore it and pretend it doesn’t exist

LegaliseFreedom1 says:

Thanks for your comments!

arjang payrow says:

and everything from this planet its for us to use and eat and there is
almighty god there that gave this to human az a gift

Open-minded Skeptic says:

“Matter is fundamental” thinkers/scientists are like curious Magpies, who
endlessly marvel at and rearrange their collection of shiny objects, trying
to find something meaningful in the unique properties of each physical
thing. “Consciousness is fundamental” thinkers/scientists are like one of
Sheldrake’s dogs, who waits at the door in anticipation of his owner’s
imminent return because he understands that the “sharing of consciousness”
is the only place where meaning will ever be found.

161157gor says:

Namaste ~ I bow to the God within you

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