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As humanity awakens many things will change.


Confused Fox says:

It was painful to watch her try and get the question out, pushed me to the limits of trying to be present and conscious without feeling frustration.

David Marshall Taylor says:

I am aware of the awareness that is aware of itself being aware

CrossTheLine1000 says:

this guy is a Rock star!

1234kingconan says:

if you want to be more calm when you do public speaking you should put yourself into high intensity exercise regularly so you can manually calm your heart down when it's beating quickly. Or just be nervous and let your question out and don't make a big deal out of it.

Klaus Rosenbjerg says:

Life today has many traps. Computer Games is a double edged sword. First and for a while it gives fun. That is the good part. But you do not notice it has become an addiction so soon follows the symptoms. You become obsessed and get aggressive or defensive if people ask you to stop it and be social. I believe that the self blame that followed led to the PD I have today. I have been to hell and back ever since and I now accept this moment, as I find new wisdom every day. My personal thanks to Eckhart for his teachings. Today I posted on my page when I had one of these moments of clarity.

B says:

What a caring and extraordinary woman.  If I didn't know better, I'd think she was inside my head.  Makes me want to relocate out of the country.  I can't get my son a simple blood panel to rule Lymes in or out.  I was told it wasn't in his best interest and asked to leave the practice.  Simple as that.

Milica Draconis says:

Frank Kinslow is a doctor and he created a technique using the power of Now in order to heal people. It's called Quantum Entrainment.

Mark Haughton says:

Isn't this just common sense 

Sharon Bhara says:

I was diagnoised with MS (the acute form) but am i on medication..ermmm hell no….have i relapsed ermmm hell no… How did i do it : rather than giving my power away to western metaphyiscs ….i studied the power of our consciousness/spirituality and how we can manipulate atom frequency from positive, negative to neutral charge from a quantum science perspective #splitExperiment as well as ancient scriptures such as sikhism, bhudhism and the bible. All enlightened beings are sayin the same thing…that the kingdom of god/pure consciousness sits in side of us….so focus on that with love and compassion. Also like echart tolle suggests(as does all the ancient scriptures mentioned above) dont focus on the pain body but focus on the light that is ignited in us all.


If doctors practiced energy medication many of the people they treat would be well in a much shorter time and for a longer time. Energy is the key to life and to death, to health and to illness's, to wealth and to being poor, to happiness and to unhappiness. Eat right, think right, live right and exercise vigorously often.  


Thought is always going on and the only way to not think is to move out of the thinking brain and into the living mind where peace, stillness, can be accessed even if the peace and stillness only last moments those moments are very powerful. There you can get a look at the energies ruling your health, wealth, happiness and life and change can go from there. You have to know what needs the change and where change will do the most good. The thinking brain never stops thinking that's how it knows it is so don't expect to stop it from doing what it does it won't happen. Move out of the brain inwardly and there you will find your peace and stillness, and space in-between the incisive thought patterns.   


When you hear the voice say "stop, quit, your going to die if you don't slow down that's just the signal to keep moving past that point that the voice says you should stop victory over the mind makes a smarter and happier and healthier you. If you stop when the voice says stop, your still identifying with thought.


Becoming identified with thought or images; you create the energy that will take presence in your life. All thought is energy all images are thought thereby they are also energy. Everything is energy that weighs you down or lightens you. Light and airy is the goal that just means that if you expel the old the new will come. So you can go from heavily burdened to light and airy by exercising challenging your mind, heart, and body to do more than the voice says it can.


Everything is energy and every energy affects every other energy be it negatively or positively. We are no less energy than a bolt of lightening everything about us will depend on the energies put into us and our lives. Also if we dispose of old energy and replace it with new. Energies of all sorts are always coming and going old must go and new must come. If old energies are not expelled physical and or mental illness's are guaranteed to take presence.  


If the population knew about energy and how it works; we wouldn't even need western medicine. Life is about all the energies being put into our minds and bodies. Some are from foods we eat good and bad energies, some are from the thoughts we think both good and bad, some are from habitual living by that I mean attracting the same energies all the time and never expelling old energies and replacing them with new. Life is all about energies because we are energy ourselves and we must expel the old and replace it with new to fight off illness physical or mental they require fresh clean light and airy energy that will soon become infected with physical and mental illness's and then must be expelled by moving with purpose at least three times a week we need to exercise vigorously to expel the old and create new energies. I can prove this… 

Jill Ballantyne says:

It is so hard to make a living when you know the truth. Medicine is never needed and is a creation totally of the mind and no part of the spirit.

astrophonix says:

What's the Higgs bosom?

Lindsay Z says:

This is all so true x 

johnyboy6405 says:

wich retreat is this please?

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