Power vs Force Book Summary | David R Hawkins | Between The Lines Book Summaries

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Power vs Force Book Summary | David R Hawkins | Between The Lines Book Summaries

Today’s video is a short one based on the book Power Vs Force, by David R. Hawkins.

The nature of true power is often confused with Force. True power resides from within, while force is what people try to project on to others. Force is something that can get people to do things for a certain amount of time, but once it encounters true power, it crumbles.

A good example is Ghandi’s struggle for Indian Independence from the United Kingdom. The British tried to apply the “Force” of their large army, but when they were met with the resistance of the true power of love brought about by Ghandi’s people, they crumbled.

The book explains that the subconscious is very well attuned to whether something has a negative or positive benefit for the body, and the author has demonstrated it in front of hundreds of live audiences in the form of a test where you place your fingers on someone’s arm and push down. If the person thinks of positive things, they will be able to resist. But if they think of negative things, their strength crumbles.

This part of the book is a little strange and seems a little bit exaggerated so I’m going to hold off on judgment for a little bit on this. But I do know that you can sense negative energy and dirtiness emanating from some people so I’m sure there’s some truth to this portion of the book.

Besides that, one of the more profound aspects of the book can be found in the Map of Consciousness. What this is is a scalable chart based on different levels of consciousness ranging from 0, which is shame all the way up to 1000 which is Enlightenment, or essentially Jesus.

All levels below 200 are destructive of life in both the individual and society at large; in contrast, all levels above 200 are constructive expressions of power. The decisive level of 200 is the fulcrum that divides the general areas of force (or falsehood) from power (or truth).

The level 200 is listed as courage.

This chart is interesting because it shows that anger is not the worst emotion you can feel and that shame and guilt are far more negative. Anger, although not ideal, is able to get you moving in the right direction and can eventually be turned into courage.

The Map of Consciousness is as follows:

0-20 – Shame
30 – Guilt
50 – Apathy
75 – Grief
100 – Fear
125 – Desire
150 – Anger
175 – Pride
200 – Courage
250 – Neutrality
310 – Willingness
350 – Acceptance
400 – Reason
500 – Love
540 – Joy
600 – Peace
700-1000 – Enlightenment

For the first time in human history the global consciousness has passed the threshold of 200 and is on a positive upward climb. Even though we have horrible evils going on in the world still, the world as a whole is still above the negative consciousness level.

To conclude, Power is a seering hot coal, where as force is a raging brush fire. Force is something you apply, where as Power is something that you are. All the bosses who don’t believe in themselves will apply force to try and make you do what they want so they can feel they are justified being in the position that they are, where as a true leader understands the role they are to play and acts accordingly. True leaders inspire loyalty, and imposters rule by employing fear.

Study up on this map of human consciousness and try and make your decisions every day come from a level of higher consciousness as opposed to lower consciousness. As Nelson Mandela once said: may your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.

Try and thrive every day in your life instead of trying to just survive and exist. Try and live through Power, and not just apply Force.

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Standard King says:

man fuck that book! liberal commie psycho babble. ranking emotions is just an opinion. this is brainwashing misinformation


Too loud music which is completely unnecessary. Ur helping but den not helping

zepguwl thistle says:

I think the value of words should have been brought out more. That is how the energy was tested was words being used… good summary otherwise

nobleepicwin32 says:

Great Summary! Thank you Jeffrey

O Z says:

Turn the music down.

Timothy Yoon says:

Jeffrey this is the greatest Content I have seen.
You are going to be a multi-millionaire.

Mayank Sharma says:

I don't get it. Is Gandhi's example really right? because it took him more than 40 years to get India to Independence. Plus, Britishers just didn't go because of power that Gandhi has but due to the circumstances created because of WWII. British kind of bankrupted themselves. So how Power vs Force comes into play? 30 + years is just too much.

Next Level Warrior says:

Great review – Short and to the point!

Eli Smirnov says:

people with 1000: be humble and modest, let the harmony flow through you.
(the sound of Trevor Morris' Act on Instinct from far distance)
people with +1000: In the name of Kane, our cabal emerges. (points at people with 1000) Show them the light!

Arominit says:

Thank you!!!

sky lane says:

Horrible delivery.Very monotonous and what's the music for? Your message is so unimportant that the viewer is better listen to music??

Jeff Glenn says:

Your music is too loud

Cathy Hazel Adams says:

Love is flow is empowerment, force is fear.


Cant hear you. But Nice presentation 👍🏾

Chantel Gamage says:

Just purchased this book…..I think it will take a lot of understanding but your summary has helped so thank you 🙏✨

Nida Shaikh says:

I did the test. I am surprised that i was strong at Enlightenment, Peace, Joy, Love, thanks to the month of Ramadan. Very wrong of you to project Islam as negative. This shows that you are at a lower consciousness. There is a whole Chapter on Mary and Jesus in the Quraan. I am sure you know of atleast 1 person who has accepted Islam. Read the quraan and you will know why. May God Bless You and Guide you. Ameen.

Jeff Doe says:

Background music makes it hard to hear you, doesn't it?

pa maj says:

I understood everything you said, cheers.

For Your Spirit says:

Nice Summary!👍🏻

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