Professor Brian Cox Enraged Deepak Chopra – CONAN on TBS

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After Brian tweeted a scientific fact, the famously calm Deepak threatened to shove something up Brian’s, um, dark matter.

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TekkGnostic says:

Pfft. Chopra’s whole persona is an act to peddle pretentious new-age
garbage to gullible fools, about as “spiritual” as “The Secret.” (eg:
selling “spirituality” as a means of fulfilling one’s greedy desires.)
He’s a “spiritual” guru that rakes-in millions each year for speaking about
transcending materialism. Irony.

The One says:

Deepak Chopra the biggest bullshit con artist on the planet. His research
is backed up by the most bullshit evidence. Excellent job!

John Uysal says:

This guy has a very good idea about us wasting our time on idiotic things
and not focusing enough on things that can actually make a difference in
our future. I wish he was more ballsy in expressing his ideas. I guess he
didn’t want to put conan or his show in a difficult position.

Jimmery T says:

I hate deepak chopra

Aly Z says:

Awww Conan is definitely short changing himself! He’s a Harvard graduate
with an immense career, definitely not stupid. 

Tal Moore says:

There’s something strange about an adult man with the haircut of a fifteen
year old boy.

Kung Lao says:

Even Indians that believe in spirituality think Deepak Chopra is lord of

Maverick D. says:

Deepak Chopra is an idiot.

Wotzitify says:

If you can’t accept a scientific fact from one of the greatest minds..
you’re a quack.

Whane The Whip says:

Deepak just tweeted a few minutes ago “Brian is a naive realist. @TeamCoco
@ProfBrianCox” A “realist”, so he believes in reality? Woah, so insulting.
Seriously though Deepak is all about that “woo woo” (Google it).

Michael Andrew says:

These mandatory 30 second adds are really getting under my skin. 

Solarstar10 says:

Is that a Blade Runner T-Shirt? If so, I highly approve.

KillRockStarz 88 says:

“Great body of knowledge,” “Things that can kill us,” “Dont stick our heads
in the sand,” – Sounds like we should be discussing Islam instead of

jaska05 says:

What an arrogant stupid bitch this Brian Cox is.

TheIamnotinsane says:

I always hated Brian Cox, all his documentaries felt a bit too showy? Hard
to articulate what it was that set my back up, always gazing into the
middle distance saying billions or millions, but he was pretty interesting
to listen to here.

tariq sherwani says:

Funny how people who learn a thing or two about science think they know
everything… And think they are Gods…LOL 

Mik3159 says:

Fuck this atheist propaganda garbage. Fuck you, Conan.

GucciVittion says:

I hate Brian Cox

Derik von Soltanjan says:

So much anger in the comments section here.. On another note, as to why
Deepak became so enraged is beyond me, but it really doesnt matter. Maybe
he was just troubled, he is a human being afterall. And as for people
saying that Deepak is bullshit and everything he says is bullshit and that
science is everything and that there is no spiritual presence on Earth..
Sure, science is important and its great and i respect that it has
dicovered so much about the Earth. But trying to explain and understand
Earth, let alone the universe, by using scienctific meathod only is
completely absurd. More than 99% of the universe is not in the material
realm therefor it cannot be measured or studied using the scientific
theory. So to say that there isnt something beyond our comprehension (call
it God, call it the universal architect, call it what you will) is
senseless. I just dont understand why people believe that spirituality and
reason cannot coexist. That seems to be the real issue.. If i was unable to
express myself correctly to anybody reading this, i invite you to read
about Enstein’s thoughts about the existance of God. 

thanksfernuthin says:

So, the greatest threat to humanity is disagreeing with him. Must be nice.
Makes arguments a lot easier to win I bet.

smlak says:

The problem with atheism is that it adapts a fixed belief system and
assumes that every idea which is opposed to that belief system is a bunch
of irrational hogwash. Not much different from religious fundamentalism,

arrgh garry says:

I am guessing this astronaut wants some funding for this ????not something
that can be funded from his pension 

Tony Vega says:

Deepak Chopra is the real deal. If only you narrow minded cunts could
comprehend his work.

Joseph Anton says:

Deepak Chopra is a fraud and a big dummy and this comes from a fellow

ajnode says:

It’s crazy how you can watch these really nice, educated and humble men of
science get to the point where they have to really uncharacteristically
attack people after the irrational spiritualists and religious nuts start
sinking their teeth in.

jake Georgiou says:

i hate this brian guy looks like a former nazi with that evil smile all how
can one say the universe began with the big bang its just an unproved
theory ps something had to have created the big bang can he tell me what it
was, short answer is no he can’t he wasn’t there its just a fucken theory
if he can create a universe then ill believe him till then stop preaching
your untested fucken theories, i hope he reads this someway so i can meet
him then shame him then fuck him up 

MolecularMoonlight says:

The Big Bang Theory might as well start with “and then God turned on the
light.” Same holes in their stories. Everything came from nothing? I
remember science once told the world it was flat & if you thought
differently you would be a publicly mocked fool then too. Ironic they
mention stupidity…

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