Quantum Physicist asking question to Deepak Chopra

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John Booker says:

Humans who need an eternal 'creator' theology are at their base,afraid of the dark.

Roman Bielskis says:

physicist: Leonard Mlodinow

Lan deMiami says:

Mr. Chopra talks in "noodle language." Let me ask him a "noodle question" to see what his "noodle answer" would be… he will invoke infinity, limitless, bla bla bla… no doubt. So here it is, Mr. Chopra:

" How does you onirical conception with Kafkaic tendency coexist with the sublogical vision that you may have about extrinsic life?"

There you have it!

Lan Nghiem-Phu, Ph. D.

Doofus “Chan is the Man” Nosquire says:

Sixpack Chopra. A conman if there ever was one, he has as much credibility with an intelligent, rational thinking person like me as does Syvlia Browne`s corpse. Sixpacks followers are as despicable as his bullshaitm

Shadowhunter says:

I'm amazed that people take this lunatic seriously. Anyone who's done half a course in modern physics or QM should be double facepalming right now. 'Superposition of possibilities'.. Seriously? That's a redundant sentence. A superposition is – very simply – a 'mixture of possibilities'. If you're superimposing two plane waves, its a mixture of two possible momenta (on measurement it can only be one or the other). Being a grad student in physics and of south asian origin, I'm ashamed to be in the same boat as this idiot.

AZCobraman says:

Love this guy! The fact that so many people listen to Chopra makes Jesus cry (as my Mom likes to say). ;o)

qubitz says:

Why do people believe that consciousness is their true self? Consciousness has nothing personal about it! The ego is the only thing that has anything personal about it.

Tweeaak Tweek says:

"Say anything with confidence and people will believe you" seems to be Deepak's business motto.

Robert B says:

You quantum physicists know nothing but your science.

Erik Hedberg says:

I'm a spiritual person myself and i have no idea if those states of consciousness are more than me or just my physical body, but i tend to think that there is more than meets the eye, infinity is big. We live in the physical world and scientists know alot more then me about the material world and i trust them and i feel like we should listen to them when they have the facts that have been proven. My experiences as a spiritual person is limited to myself, sure i can compare with other but at the same time it is hard to describe something that can't be described. I just feel like trust in science, but to me theres a hell of a lot more to the world then the material plane. But at the same time i'm facepalming my way through this video, my view is that Deepak Chopra is a Phony. His heart is in media in material wealth. He doesn't win me over as a spiritual person just by looking at his life style. There are far more enligthened spiritual teachers out there. That doesn't crave the bling bling and spirituality at it's core is getting to know what we are here and now, rigth here, free from thougths. We can all benefit from it by exploring what it is to be human. You can still have your view, you are allowed to believe what ever you want. Becouse that's the point, we need to arrive at the conclusions of life ourselves. Not what someone told us. Study life itself and maybe one day the two schools will meet. Who knows.

shankar singh says:

he pull down consciousness to the yearning of human

Ansel Adams says:

When you begin to see life truly you feel like laughing all the time because people believe obvious myths are the actual truth, and these same people are intelligent beings. That is funny. There is some truth in most myths but almost everyone is missing the truth and the life. For the first time we can Know the truth(reality) and it turned out to be just what it looks like, it is just too normal and obvious for most so called normal people to see it. The mind does all it can to hide the truth, if you are ready to overcome your cognitive dissonance and learn the truth the evidence says is true, Google Truth Contest and read the top entry called "The Present". The real truth will set you free.

Apsana Maisnam says:

Deepak you need to stop pretending to "know it all enlightened being" with this mixology of big words thats making me more rather confused

WNF says:

All that wish-washy language designed to convince the listener that the speaker has ownership of everything. They have the best approach to everything.

To Deepak Chopra and others, the concept of God is a cage for everything that is supposed to keep them safe while they spend infinite time figuring out how to tame it.

vinny142 says:

Deepak uses the very simple tactic of trying to sound intelligent by saying things that his opponents cannot possibly understand. He is hoping that his opponents will think that they must be stupid for not understanding it and will be too embarrassed to ask.

But, as in this case, there is usually someone who will ask him to explain, and then he has a serious problem because he is basically a quack who makes lots of money by just pretending that he is a scholar. The answers he gives here are total bullpoop, a five year old kid can explain consciousness better than that.

Jim Marcinko says:

I disagree with Hariss. Happiness is not a goal. Pain and pleasure is epiphenomenom. Man does not seek happiness, only the Englishman does.

zezt zezter says:

some reflections after watching this while I remember: OK the physicist. Bill Mollison, founder of Permaculture said how he discovered his physicist friends whose whole field of inquiry was about energy did not yet know how to live sustainably! So for all his supposed clvereness it is still specialized, but he tries to show this arrogant superiority when being asked about infinity, instead of an honest answer of 'i don't know'

The guy who claims not everyone wonders about why we're here, etc etc. Does he not know children? Children are always inquisitive, full so spirit, asking questions, including me (and I still am). But what happens is they are enforced to attend the 'education' system and they come across 'wiseguys' like them who intimidate them from asking 'wuu wuu' questions, or questions which don't con-form the accepted answers, and they turn into people that will claim 'science' is the antithesis of investigating NDEs, and other paranormal phenomena which is BS. What he really means is _scientism' will not allow such investigation because it is 'wuu wuu'. IE it has already made up its mind. That is NOT real science, that is scientism!
Now watch people, who are on my wavelength. See how people who are not will deny the very term 'scientism' lol

Paul Thoresen says:

It's not lies, it's mystical infinite cosmological energy beings, the fact that he says it in a foreign accent is how you know it is deep and true

Atheist Avenger says:

"Did you know it's Einstein's b-day today? Which brings me to 3.14, which refers to the infinite. You are pretending to be a physicist, no I mean in the infinite realm and we're non-local beings in the superposition of the infinite possibilities…."

I guess Deepak never heard the idea of "it's better to keep your mouth shut and let people assume you're stupid than to open your mouth and prove that you are." I'm an engineer and have enough familiarity with Relativity and Quantum Mechanics to tell you without question Deepak is fucking clueless and just made a word salad of these concepts to try to sound educated on the subject-but he's blind to the fact that others can see through his nonsense.

If I was that physicist I wouldn't have let him off so easily, I would've called out his idiocy but it's clear the audience gets it. But at least the veil has been lifted on these charlatans. It goes to show once you put them under a little pressure they easily crack and they prove everything they've been spouting has been pure bullshit all along-this goes for religious people too, all of them.

Highlander says:

Deepak is a total fucking fraud. A charlatan. A moron conning people out of money by talking shit. Fuck him in the neck.

jay hern says:

superposition of possibilities. seriously????WTF hes crazy. LMAO

oppanheimer says:

Does anyone take this moron seriously? Oh yeah all the morons who made him rich.

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