Ram Dass – 10 Hours Lecture – Black Screen – No Music

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Ram Dass – 10 Hours Lecture – Black Screen – No Music
From 1975 to 1996 best Ram Dass lectures

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  • Categories: Ram Dass


not here says:

cant believe this is real so glad i came across this ♥️ thank u and thank u baba

Mike says:

I love you Danit. You are a Goddess flower

Shunyia says:

Thank you so much, what a eautiful gift youve shared with us. Big hug and lots of love from Argentina .


Thank you so much , ram ram

It’s lil♥️ says:

♥️🤗thank you

Sun Fellow says:

I'd rather look at a pic of Ram Dass than a black screen! Otherwise, thanks for 10 hours of Ram Dass!

Johanna Lange says:

Thank you so much 😍🙏🏼❤️

Lee Wilder says:

Pin this tweet so the algorithm shows this to everyone.

Miri Ashar says:

ת ו ד ה ר ב ה דנית🙏♥️


What a beautiful gift to us all , 10 hours of pure wisdom.. Namaste my friend ~D.Seva~

George Abdulnour says:

Hi from Melbourne Australia.

The Don Wesley says:

Bless You
I hope this 10 hrs of R D stays up on YouTube
Thanks fr the bulk screen too

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