Ram Dass at JFK University – 1986 Full Lecture

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Ram Dass speaks at John F Kennedy University in 1986 about the value of meditation, service and social action, passionate consciousness and more.

Recorded in 1986 in San Jose, California.

0:00 – 1:50 Intro
1:51 – 14:42 Hanuman
14:43 – 26:55 The Mind Creating Suffering
26:56 – 1:07:56 Beyond The Thinking Mind
1:08:00 – 1:14:27 Karmic Yoga
1:14:30 – 2:53:13 Q&A


The Love Serve Remember Foundation is dedicated to preserving and continuing the teachings of Ram Dass and his guru, Neem Karoli Baba.

Find out more at http://ramdass.org

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Latest Job says:

Jai Neem karori baba ji 🙏🙏🥰🥰

Sean D says:

False teacher

Henry Mason22 says:

I love watching him speak rather than just listening to the audio

Ayush Shukla says:

be here now…will always be with me in difficult times

Spiritual Speed says:

This lecture where always right there when needed and gave me Massages 🙏 in deep love with all of you ❤ thank you Ram Dass

Maija Liepa says:


Be Well Now Podcast says:

What an amazing lecture…he feels so present, so…here, now:)

joker 89 says:


joker 89 says:

I wish he was alive and in his prime to debate rabbi Tovia singer.

Stan Lee says:

who is cueing him? can hear it clearly through the microphone…?

Rachelle R says:

Thank you!!!♥️

john-carlos ynostroza says:

How is this a premiere? It has been on the internet for at least a couple of years…

Flowstate Paint says:


Themoid XD says:

What what what 😊

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