Ram Dass: Balance and Tension – Here and Now Podcast Ep. 249

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In this exploration of suffering, death, and love, Ram Dass talks about resting in change and handling the balance and tension of inhabiting multiple planes of reality simultaneously.

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This episode of Here and Now is from a 1992 lecture in Edgartown, MA. and is a continuation of the talk started in Here and Now Ep. 248 – Patterns of Interdependency: https://youtu.be/h1qJM-_tXZY

Exploring his work with death and people who are dying, Ram Dass talks about how he’s learning to live simultaneously on multiple planes of reality and consciousness. To him, the art form of being human is the ability to open our hearts to suffering and acknowledge that it hurts like hell, while also appreciating the awesome nature of the mystery, which includes suffering and death.

Ram Dass addresses aging and the nature of change. He talks about resting in change and handling the balance and tension of inhabiting multiple planes of consciousness simultaneously.

Ram Dass opens up about the trouble he has keeping his heart open to certain people. He talks about the collaborative nature of creating environments where people won’t get trapped in their roles.

Ram Dass ends the talk with some reflections about love and not living out of a deprivation model. He shares his classic story about the state trooper who just might have been Krishna in drag as an example of living on more than one level at one time.

“When you are able to simultaneously live on those planes of consciousness and handle that tension and that balance, then your every act towards other human beings brings to bear with it equanimity, spaciousness, and joy.” – Ram Dass

Ram Dass: Balance and Tension – Here and Now Podcast Ep. 249 – https://youtu.be/rMZZHxs6VLE

Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 249 – Balance and Tension – https://beherenownetwork.com/ram-dass-here-and-now-ep-249-balance-and-tension

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@stankymans says:

much love to you and everyone in be here now!

@frozenpdx says:

Can we please stop with the comments about the intro? Every single video I have to scroll past them all and it's very tiresome.

@slim-n-wavy9041 says:

I was feeling the same way about the long intros , but oh well let her talk or just skip through with the tap of a thumb , but be kind either way ❤😂

@BeatingCancerWithCarnivore says:

Yall are rude as hell lmao 😂 this is HER channel, she can do whatever the hell she wants, just skip it or keep scrolling, are y’all really that self absorbed? People need to express themselves how they choose on their own videos correct??

@caronmiller1943 says:

The moderator is off putting for me. I’m here to listen to Ram Dass.

@cualquierwea1 says:

As suggested in another comment no intro or 2 min intro maximum would be best. This reason is why I rarely view this channel anymore, it's sad. I prefer to listen to the full 2 hours original lectures. And every time I listen to this channel I skip the intro, I'm sure most people do. Stop doing them or do them better and shorter. Thank you for sharing the teachings of ram dass. Namaste

@laurafredrickson says:

9:13 Ram❤

@tab47111 says:

thank you SO much for sharing this specific talk at this time 🙏🏼 i found part of it in your website, on oppression, but never heard him speak it. thank you 🌟🌟🕊️

@SteveTheWinner says:

I love the breadth of these recorded Q&A’s, we forget that these talks were sporadic when we have them all at our fingertips. The repetitive nature of the stories are comforting, and often are the stories I will tell when speaking of Ram Dass and the spiritual awakening I have fostered through teachings from he and his contemporaries.

@jaylucas8200 says:

Please for the love of god stop these better help ads please literally get anyone else

@anitaljoljic-ed4re says:

Please don't mention NASA or Mars to do with Ram Dass teachings

@mojoryse7836 says:

i was just thinking about something like this earlier today 😮 thank you for uploading!

@trustyourheart9098 says:

Such a funny wise and wonderful talk
Thankyou Jackie for putting this up . Xx

@ksarecords8099 says:

Always a good day when Ram Dass uploads!

@jessicadepottey9181 says:

Can we please drop the lengthy intros? We want to hear Ram Dass, not Jackie.

@bonim5180 says:

Dying is there but its not the only one,giving birth is illuminating. Pain that ends is touching the dance. Why should i wait till death. 🐔

@yvonnegreenberg6449 says:

That was such an exciting talk. I laughed a lot. Thank you.

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