Ram Dass BBC Interview Part 1 of 2

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Ram Dass interviewed on the BBC in 1981. Ram Dass tells his story. Ram Dass is spiritual not religious. The entire universe is lawful in its unfolding. It’s not by chance that each event occurs. It is a set of lawful interactions. It is best to listen for your part in the play, not the chooser. We have taken a human birth to have a series of experiences which are vehicles for our awakening out of the illusion that we are exclusively separate. The journey of awakening goes from seeing yourself as separate to seeing that this “you” is only relatively real. You are separate on one plane, but going up one level, you see that we are not separate.

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vinodprasad Raturi says:

I don’t know listening ,I don’t know talking,I don’t know living ,I
don’t know dying ,I don’t know loving ,I don’t know hating ,I don’t
know levels because It’s real It’s not separate It’s desire appears
separate .Any comments ?

yaro Kior says:

Re: Geo GUitar GUy he may sound like he has all the answers and egotistical
I think is what ur trying to say but in truth he KNOWS he knows nothing
which is the difference between you and him and me . I see that when he
says these things its just to help make sense of the universe to people who
cant which is why he’s a servant of god(god being our inner self higher
nature) philosophy helps people see the truth or close to truth 

Noe Berengena says:

“If you could just stand back far enough…” That’s it right there: we are
living in a myopic cultural framework where social conditioning keeps us in
a state of ignorance.

Gregory Nazar says:

Geo Guitar Guy–a pretty ignorant comment. You can’t relate to his style,
thats cool. But your rant makes no sense, and you are calling out a man who
has helped alot more people (probably thousands if not hundreds of
thoudsands) transcend their suffering, live better lives, and awaken to
elevated being. Trololololololol. No feeding here, but try harder.

Ajit Singh says:

Those seeking enlightenment it is must watch.

CheddarBob39 says:

6;40 was perfect;y said about coming BACK into the physical plane not to
reject but to delight in the forms of individual difference….this is the
key. You don’t just sit there on some sort of pedestal that you in your
own mind put yourself on and say, “I am enlightened,” but you come back and
live like a REGULAR/NORMAL human being but with the knowledge that if you
need to “Feel one” again you can do it(which is very comforting and a
freeing feeling knowing how to do.) Or at least that’s what I have come t
realize, but it may not be the full truth. Maybe you can live kind of
spaced out with a feeling of “oneness” all the time where everything works
out just the way you want….I don’t know. But I do know that what I said
for me is true, I can choose to alter my state of consciousness(naturally
through meditation) whenever I am feeling down/depressed and feel great
again within a few hours. And this knowing that I can do this is really
all I need to get through most days No matter how tough or harsh they may
be….usually I don’t even have to resort to meditating, the knowing(from
past experience) is enough to get me through the “hard times.” I also know
that if I hadn’t discovered how to “feel one” and go into that “super state
feeling,” I would feel lost even when I was feeling alright and would
continue being a “seeker.” But since I have and know how to experience
what I have experienced….it free’s me to just live life the way I want. 

jimiworm says:

Great video to pair with reading Alan Watts’s “The Supreme Identity” 

Danny Barnett says:

So grateful for the ability to see things like this at a whim! “God just
is, God isn’t going anywhere.”

sqweezel says:

This man understands life from his soul, where philosophy and intellect
cannot understand.

Ryan Curletti says:

He is very good at explaining the psychedelic experience.

Mary Bonett says:

Absolute don

Alan Obermayer says:

I am changing my name to Servant of God now.

ncf1 says:

Little wonder we humans get so caught up in drama; to create the illusion
that indeed something really is ‘happening’, is important, is necessary.
Whereas as Ram Dass says, it actually starts to get interesting when you
understand that its pointless.

Michael B says:

did anyone ever see that ramd ass is a funny play on his name?

Christopher Woods says:
Veronica Vale says:

I do not like the interviewer but that is a judgement. That is a no no! He
just is a direct opposite of Ram Dass, so it works!

Jason Richey says:

Thats one smooth dude. So articulate he blew his mind lol Ram Dass one of
the wisest man I know. Imagine if every man had his intellect.?

vinodprasad Raturi says:

What to say?Thanks.

Geo Guitar Guy says:

Egotistical, brainwashing bullshit. Just a guy with a quick mind and an
“answer for everything”, but not a single shred of evidence for a word he
says. Think for yourself, don’t be yet another sheep following another’s
ideaology, use your own brain to figure out your own reality. This is just
religion, blindly following any salesman who seems to fit the bill for you.
Personally, I don’t care to be told what he thinks I should think, I have
my own opinions, and I don’t even cafe to share them with anyone else as it
would serve no purpose. He may have studied in india, but the american in
him is sickeningly obvious, he sounds like a star trek script with holes in
it at times. Too much talk, not enough science, but isn’t thst why they
call it philosophy? Just another belief system. Yawn.

Werdxp says:

Ram Dass, Alan Watts, Terence McKenna, all on another level.

Julian Ungar-Sargon says:

Good interview.

Lucas Maloney says:

Beautiful! Namaste amigo

Productive Insights says:

Ram Dass aka Dr Richard Alpert ex professor at Harvard BBC Interview Part 1
of 2 – YouTube http://buff.ly/1nRhT3t #mindfulness

Terry Iceman says:
Isak Lytting says:

This is a beautiful, beautiful, concise interview with Richard Alpert. It’s
full of wisdom.

And the interviewer is terrific and super intelligent. He actually
understand philosophical ideas and what he and Alpert are talking about.
This journalist is one in ten thousand.

Jason Richey says:

Who are the 6 ppl who thumb down this awesome man?

David Dorich says:

I really enjoy you’r interview, it makes me so search more about you and i
will do. You have so much commun like my spirtutal inside though. I wish
you the best !

Acintya Bhakti says:

My favorite of his videos. The Truth comes out so clearly in this video. To
all souls who are on this same path, join in this blog that we may all
learn from each other and raise our vibrations to higher frequencies of The
ONE. http://upliftingallsouls.blogspot.com/

Peter Marshall says:

Pure wisdom put across with such clarity… and under the kind of
intellectual scrutiny that can’t be found any more, even through the BBC.
‘Never mind the quality, feel the width’ is the mantra these days.

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