Ram Dass – Being in the Universe

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Ram Dass responds to questions about the spiritual journey and the relationship between the individual and the universe.

This recording is a continuation of ‘Finding the Middle Way’, from Ram Dass’ 1989 ‘Listening Heart’ lecture series.

Watch ‘Finding the Middle Way’ here: https://youtu.be/k2uZZoIWlGc.

The Love Serve Remember Foundation is dedicated to preserving and continuing the teachings of Ram Dass and his guru, Neem Karoli Baba.

Find out more at http://ramdass.org
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Michael Montoya says:

"Everything that takes you away from it becomes to painful" TRUTH

Nick Geary says:

Ram Dass is the definition of a kind soul

larsapher says:

his clarity is desirable

A Hutch says:

Im trying. Maybe too hard? Maybe not enough?

Daryl Cumming says:

An former MK Ultra employee? Before his found spirituality through acid and mushroom experiments?

Kathryn Phillips says:

Thankyou for sharing ❤ Love Ram Dass🙏❤🙏 and his beautiful wisdom

Rita Lynn Lawrence says:

5:00 he credits “psychedelics and meditation” ❤ “grace & evolution”

Sean D says:

Ram Ram Ram Ram

Nora says:

Can you pls make a short for the first 23seconds 🙏🏻

Ankur sharma says:

Ram ram ❤️🌹🙏🌹❤️

Emily Lowrance says:

one is one plus me.

Emanuel says:

How fast he starts talking! He has so much passion to share love of God

Mindy Smith says:

We are so blessed to have all this content. He left a beautiful message and legacy. I love him very much!

Leo says:

Is there any link for the full lecture?

zero says:

Im loosing myself into the deep dark sadness again , please show me the light ,my heart is dying and all hope has vanished

Orc in the Basement says:

I understand it with this because it was a Q&A but I hope you guys don’t start cutting up full lectures into 30 minute videos

I believe when you did the poll on Instagram we specifically picked full lectures as our preferred delivery of content

Also if you could find a more natural point to stop instead mid answer that’d be cool

Emily Webb says:

I love you Ram Dass. Thank you for your continuing teaching. Thank you to the person who posted this and made it possible for us to continue our learning journey with one another…

The Trojan Horse says:

Wow,life has fooled me once again. I use the difficulty of being a citizen to keep my passion and freedom a stranger, I'm afraid it won't be enough once we meet. Stillness I hope we meet one day but I'm sure I will have too many questions to let you rest.

Robert Caldwell says:

Ram Dass has been the most kind and helpful soul in my life.

P M says:

Really needed to hear this at this very time!! 🙏🏾🪷👣🪷💕

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