Ram Dass–Conscious Aging part 1 of 4

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This is a workshop that Kerrie and I videotaped in Clearwater, Florida in 1995 for Ram Dass, the legendary spiritual teacher and bestselling author of Be Here Now.
On Conscious Aging, Ram Dass calls us to move beyond our youth-fixated culture to a place where we can see clearly that the final years of life are just as creative and fulfilling as the first. A masterwork that will speak to you personally about living each day with an open heart, knowing that the most incredible stage of your experience has yet to come.

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KingOfKings says:

i didn't know hulk hogan was so smart

Connie Fone says:

Bodadua………..Do you know where I could download or buy the DVD of this event?  Thanks!

Rahul Singh says:

Greeting Everyone, 
The example he gives in the beginning of this lecture… about the ticket in the train points out to our eternal nature,.,., It means WE(soul) never grows old… Our material bodies do…and consciousness which is a symptom of the soul remains unchanged…however the ability of the material bodies awareness varies a great deal…starts with less aware when we are in the womb,,,slowly spikes around adolescence and gradually goes down when a person nears his death… The soul and its symptom – consciousness is ageless !!! No wonder we always want things to last forever… but they dont… It is our inherent nature.   If only we pay attention to these symptoms(become aware) life becomes more peaceful !!! Thank you baba Ram dass ! 

Shauna Eddy says:

Ahhhhhh Just Ahhhhhh ❤❤❤❤❤❤

Chloe Stevens says:

One of the best lectures of my lifetime….65 here :)

clockworkplumbs says:

is this the guy that used to trip out with Dr Leary at Harvard?

Moe Harrison says:

Going through life as if there was no tomorrow carefree ,happy,  full of excitement ;every day I jumped out of bed ready for the new beautiful day.
That was the person I use to be, then life happened, I can't remember exactly when my attention shifted from being joyful to becoming fearful but it happened.
As happy and carefree I was it turned into a most ungrateful depressed,  angry person .that no one wanted to be around me.
Life is the journey not to take for granted, I really needed to hear that I will not be defined by society how I should be as an aging adult in our society.
Fuck sake I was born in 1957 , I was the billboard face for sex drugs, rock and roll plus I also learned meditation at age 17 and have practiced it on and off depending on my situation,
It's like AA once you know whats it's about you can't go back.
Thank You Ram Das for the awareness that I don't have to be boiled to death then poured into what society views older people "should" be

Sonja Anicca Mathur says:


GINA C. Kraus says:

Thank you for posting…. more and more and more Ram Dass…. 

j00f says:

Pure gold.

MrPseudoIntellect says:

Never have I been so quick to look for PART II of a 6 hour series. This is resonating with so many experiences I have had. Feeling that deep resonation is like 'home' for my body. I guess in some way that's maybe what the next level feels like for the soul? Haha :P

cheapneasy2 says:

I <3 Ram Dass

Bryce D. Anderson says:

When it comes to finding meaning to life, the minute you go OUTSIDE OF YOURSELF, you might as well put your head in a guillotine. The answers are inside of each of us, you must make your own path, find purpose and meaning in life and try to be nice to people. Oh yes, and if you are NOT rich, you MUST WORK to pay the bills. Other wise you will just end up on the street with nothing. Ram Dass is a peddler of religion, just like Billy Grahm

Aavantikka says:

This guy had everything going- came from extremely affluent background, became a Harvard University faculty and left all those. Its not so easy. This is almost like the Buddha leaving his princely life and Gandhi leaving his thriving practice as a lawyer. I saute Ramdass.

Eckhart did not have to sacrifice anything like Ramdass.

Infinity O says:

Many pearls of wisdom in this video regarding the soul and the ego.
Thank you.

Agefiftysomething says:

I love stories about falling down, ..ZZZZZZZzzzzzz.

hedwegg says:

A Jamieson Observation: "Rhythm not Mantra" is the way to:
(1) Mindfulness, (2) Concentration & (3) To let Go.
"To Let Go" Note: "In a World filled with Faith, hope & Love
there's no room for hate, malice & wrongdoing." ( a clear mind).
"My Rhythm tone & Energy" (Doing with compassion & love):
Since I was a young child my "Rhythm not Mantra"
in connection with "Sound & Vision " (Color & Discernment) is
"tay rom, tay ta… tay ta, tay rom…tay tum."
"tay tum" is the phonetic for English.

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