Ram Dass Dark Night of the Soul

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  • Categories: Ram Dass


Pete Stevens says:

I feels as If I am here right now:

Nothing fits.
Not sure where I ‘fit in’.
Much time alone.
Highly sensitive.
Much sleeping.
Much crying.
No appetite.
Intense emotional pain.
Questions of God:
‘Am I no good?’
‘Am I bad?’
‘Did I miss something?’
‘Am I stupid?’

Et cetera.

Li Si says:

Sometimes I Wonder why so much pain

Juste un baiser says:

Thank you 🙂

George LFC says:

Fark I’m right in the middle of this now….

Nirali M. Patel says:

My goodness. Yes. <3

scrambo mills says:

ram dass just another dumb jew

Honest Initiate says:

Where is this cut from?

Bhakti Boiii says:

"Once you're awake, you can't go back to sleep"

LovingAtlanta says:

🤔 😩 8.30.17 Okay okay y'all WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON??? Now either I really am going crazy or I'm living in an alternate universe because I have watched a whooole bunch of videos on YouTube & watched a whooole bunch of Ram Dass, Oprah interviews & Super Soul Sunday shows, read whooole bunch of books & articles on the Internet searching trying to understand what I'm going through / what's going on with me and I have never heard anyone say anything about "dark night of the soul"!!!! I just heard the phrase for the first time less than 24 hours ago & now it's everywhere!!! WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON??? 🤔😩. The way he explained it makes sense & the advise he makes even more sense!!

J Gregory virmin says:

l like what was said . l JUST find for me personally on my path in life and l don't belong to anything but l have had my moments of clarify. THE Christian bible says all things are possible with God. So l just try to keep it simply and move in the direction of LOVE and Forgiveness and let life happen. You don't have to fight it if you don't want to . Have a happy forever.

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