Ram Dass: Escaping the Prison of Separateness – Here and Now Podcast Ep. 226

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In this potent recording from 1994, Ram Dass talks about the nature of suffering and how we can escape the prison of separateness created by our cultural infatuation with individualism.

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In this episode, Ram Dass explores:

The nature of suffering and how we create more suffering even as we try to address it
His own journey of somebody-ness and becoming a separate entity
The connection between emptiness and compassion when it comes to dealing with suffering
The predicament of the personality and how individualism became a cultural infatuation in the Western world
How we can ultimately escape from the prison of separateness
“The exercises are to cultivate awareness that is not trapped by the identification with experiences. The exercise is, to the extent that you are dancing in form, to play the most fun game, that is, dancing with the beloved.” – Ram Dass

Ram Dass: Escaping the Prison of Separateness – Here and Now Podcast Ep. 226 – https://youtu.be/5WwKR2v5nQQ

Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 226 – Escaping the Prison of Separateness
– https://beherenownetwork.com/ram-dass-here-and-now-ep-226-escaping-the-prison-of-separateness

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Ali Muhareb says:

the product placement very nearly ruins it

Brooklyn rae says:


Lanishortsunshine says:

Yes and thank u…..❤

John Rickel says:

🦄 Dolt by John Rickel 🦄

Priti Anand says:


soofri says:

I notice Ram Dass and Anthony De Mello draw from same sources – even the mustard n ketchup story. Or else one is borrowing from the other because the words are identical in many of their sentances.

Quirkus Sperro says:

The teachers list of student problem behavior is interesting.

It's like the more we insist that there should be a cookie cutter conscription model to education, the more that the human heart rejects the enforcement, the stamp of "this is who we know you should be".

This drive and push to create the "perfect world" at all costs, even to the point of the institutions deceiving themselves.

Of course the list student "problem behaviors" is getting worse. The system of false complexity and unnatural truth grows ever more, they sense what's wrong, but cannot place or describe what's wrong.

That's the Kafkesqué nature of the post-modern, post-truth era.

G Laight says:

Thanks Jackie, may your love and light shine for an eternity ❤️🙏

KT says:

I love getting grounded with Ram Das!✌️❤️🙃

Ser libre. says:

What happened to raghu? I miss him

Ser libre. says:

Boy this is life

newfoundmann says:

THANKS, No unnecessary Music or doodling

KJC.91 says:

Ram is seen here with the bold & beautiful botanical buddy Hawaiian Baby Woodrose.

Wallard says:

Thank you Jackie! I have very much enjoyed your introductions since you’ve taken over; I always loved Raghu’s as well.

I always watch these soon after they’re uploaded, and mean to make it to the calls that you talk about, but have yet to make it to one. Hopefully soon

Every time you say “Namaste and blessings” I say aloud “thank you Jackie.”

5D Living says:

Wow, so accurate as always ❤

Josh says:

Rudolf Steiner has much to say about the concept of a primary group conciousness of the "lower" animals compared to our primary individual conciousness.

Ankur sharma says:

Ram ram 🙏🌹🙏🌹

sahana shivanna says:

Thanks for everything 🙏


jai ram das <3

Tom Ato says:

Astonishingly, Happy😊(HaPi) is the name of an☦️ Egyptian Goddess💞. God🕺dass in💃Goddess😇!

Vahan Daven says:

This is it 🎉

None Ya says:

8:24 Ram Dass starts speaking

Ricky Noodles says:

8:28 Ram Ram

Jacques Monette says:

Thank you 🙏

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