Ram Dass: Freedom From Fear – Here and Now Ep. 223

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In this recording from 1982, Ram Dass answers a wide range of questions, including how we can find freedom from fear, plus leads a meditation on how to tune into our intuition.

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In this episode, Ram Dass answers questions about:

What it’s like to be on stage
Detachment and compassion
The individuality of the soul
The issue of rebirth
Freedom from fear
How to tune into one’s intuition and follow one’s heart
“Fear comes out of your identification with your separateness. As long you are separate, you are identified with that which is in time and space. And that which is in time and space is changing. You are identified with something which is changing all the time, and that has inherent within it fear. So inherent within your identification with separateness is fear. The freedom from fear comes from the identification with that in you which is not the separate forms, which is not stuff, but lies behind stuff. And the minute you identify with that, you are no longer afraid.” – Ram Dass

Ram Dass: Freedom From Fear – Here and Now Ep. 223 – https://youtu.be/aBzT4zRJS8Y

Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 223 – Freedom From Fear
– https://beherenownetwork.com/ram-dass-here-and-now-ep-223-freedom-from-fear

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@hedonismbot3274 says:

His understanding is absolutely incredible. Also for its time. Mindblowing.

@donatelloDoesmachines13 says:

First Lady has a very pleasant way of being. 🎉🎉

@JAMCreate says:

Radical experience has been happening I find Terrence 28 years ago ,, ram DASS makes me feel comfortable,,, we are very alike ,,,

@Indomitablespirit108 says:

Tim Walz and Kamaladingdong will save you!

@Ummmsamantha says:

“Don’t be afraid to fall on your face, I do it all the time” 🐒

@BlissfulNonduality says:

Thank you so much. Please visit my channel also🙂

@BeanTownBruce says:

Ram Ram y'all ✌️❤️‍🔥

@ngs8022 says:

I just wonder about the following inconsistency: Ram Dass talks about identification with the immanent permanent soul (as a means to achieve non fear), which is believing in /Ātman/, which is a purely Vedic/Hinduist concept, flatly rejected by Buddhism and Jainism, as they believe in /Anātman/ (no immanent permanent soul); yet the presenter is a follower of Buddhism, as the poster behind her shows.

@cosmiccreator says:

Tysm! Blessings 🙏🥰🕊

@thomasshy7996 says:

Ditto 💯Thier is no other separation is A illusion’Just like Time it’s been proven’ we’re Not our Minds or Thoughts or Thinker or Past stories’ we Are 💎The Watchers That Watch The Silent Wittness ‘ The Observer ‘ That we Are Wonderful No 1 Yet Everthing’our Kingdoms’Come From within our Devine QueenDoms’ we Have Transended Duality’2 A Higherself Vibrational Plane ! Of Clear Formless’Awarness’

@saritaniraula754 says:


@paulinaandreapozomorales6445 says:

Thank you so much ram dass… you inspire me so much…. my soul recognize the truth when it see it…. Blessings

@zukodama666 says:

Your videos would be better if you didn't talk lady.

@limeyalien77 says:

Great talk but the gum chewing did my head in

@jacquelinedesanctis7082 says:

I just wishp they would not have these boring intros.

@HimalayanSpiritTarot says:


@Mink1111 says:

..the minute you become them I lose it” Exactly

@lalinda82 says:

Oh shit I didn’t know Ram Dass channeled 😳so it is true?🫣😞people can do this?

@BH195829 says:

Quote: Dr Wayne Dyer- “some people walk around looking for reasons to be offended” – awesome quote to keep us compassionate and tolerant. 🙏💕🌎

@themedicinal4592 says:

The way is the way is the way is the way is the way.

@themedicinal4592 says:

There are different paths for different people. You must trust me to listen to my heart as you have listened to your heart. – Ram Dass

@themedicinal4592 says:

Everyone is here to work out their own salvation; their own medicine. At the end, we answer for ourselves with what we have done or didn't do.

@themedicinal4592 says:

Earth is the place where you can do the best kind of work on yourself. So stop complaining – Ram Dass

@themedicinal4592 says:

The ego is part of you but not all of you, it is a thinking structure. The part of you that isn't ego observes the ego and all its doings and can guide it

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