Ram Dass: Hearing Your Dharma, Hearing Your Part – Here and Now Ep. 220

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Ram Dass talks about what it means to hear our dharma and your part in the dance, and why we need to listen to our heart to hear which spiritual method is the right one for us.

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In this episode, Ram Dass explores:

The intensity of the melodrama of life, and why the game only gets interesting when we have total involvement with no attachment
Hearing our dharma in order to hear our part in the game; even Ravana and Richard Nixon were just playing their parts
The impact that coming into contact with so many different teachers and methods had on his spiritual development
Spiritual transformation and issues of faith
Listening to the heart to hear which spiritual method is the right one for your personal journey

“To look at the universe and see all of the forces – the heavy ones, the light ones, the destructive ones, the creative ones – to find what your part is in it. And if your part is that of the Bodhisattva, that of reducing the suffering of all human beings, and that’s all your work is, you just do it and do it and do it until there is no you in there, there is merely this instrument for the relieving of suffering of all beings. And that is one of the parts of the dance, of which another and equally important [part] of the dance is that which creates all the suffering in the universe. That’s what’s so far out about it.” – Ram Dass

About Ram Dass:
Ram Dass’ spirit has been a guiding light for generations, carrying along millions on the journey. Ram Dass teaches that through the Bhakti practice of unconditional love, we can all connect with our true nature. Through these teachings, Ram Dass has shared a little piece of his guru, Maharajji, with all who have listened to him.

Ram Dass: Hearing Your Dharma, Hearing Your Part – Here and Now Ep. 220 – https://youtu.be/oLGI0l_GmFU

Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 220 – Hearing Your Dharma, Hearing Your Part
– https://beherenownetwork.com/ram-dass-here-and-now-ep-220-hearing-your-dharma-hearing-your-part

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Paramahansa Yogananda says:

Do you mind writing the year of the speech in the description. Ram Dass in the 1970s was very different to him in the 90s.

Travis Barker says:

It's not us that is actually doing the suffering. Insightful. I don't connect with the idea of grace, but I get the idea of mud n clay to work with.

W8N_4_S8N says:

I've butted heads with my mother so much lately, and I found myself repeating what an old coworker/AA buddy told me years ago "you gotta find your part in it dude".
So here I am sitting alone in a new apartment, no furniture. Just a mattress and my art. And luckily, this Ram Dass through my phone. Had to borrow a charger and raid the cup holder change. Somehow I feel it's still beautiful despite how much it sucks sometimes.

Home Boy says:

@mindfulbords Wolfpack sending Love and Light to all the Souls ready to put in "the work"☀️🧠❤⛰✊

Matty Dredge says:

I normally enjoy this channel but ended watching this episide as a result of the trigger warning. Not the subject of the trigger warning but the trigger warning it's self.

Sun says:


Sachin R.k says:

Needed this very much, thank you 🙏

Ben Silverstein says:

Lsd opened the door, but for me only meditation keeps it open

Raunak Khanna says:

I take a walk in kelowna downtown, it snows and I listen to Ram Dass 💌

don dada M says:

I feel like this mindset, getting in touch with dharma is one of the most fundamental things when you go down that spiritual road & try to understand what it's all about

Cheri says:


Tom Ato says:

With all the Gods, Comedy is King👑 & 🧘Dharma, not🎭Drama, is Queen💋. Karma👣comes
from not being still, retiring & returning 2👀the ONE=mc2,👁. BE=mc2 in de'Light🤗'bright now!

Juan otamendi says:

Love and respect to y'all!; thanks 🧘🙏😁🌺

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