Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 148 – Krishna and the Seeker

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Wat​ch the latest Ram Dass Documentary film on Becoming Nobody on https://gaia.com/BeHereNow. The https://gaia.com/BeHereNow library supports you with transformational content. See it for yourself and go to https://gaia.com/BeHereNow and check out the Be Here Now Playlist curated just for you. Visit https://gaia.com/BeHereNow to start your free trial today.

Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 148 – Krishna and the Seeker: https://youtu.be/0g2IIG5dEmU
Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 148 – Krishna and the Seeker: https://beherenownetwork.com/ram-dass-here-and-now-ep-148-krishna-and-the-seeker/

Ram Dass invokes Lord Krishna as he discusses divine love versus worldly love, then leads a guided meditation where the seeker and guru become one.

Heart of a Gopi
Ram Dass prefaces his guided meditation by talking about reaching the one through the devotional path of the love of God in the form of Krishna. He reads from a book called The Heart of a Gopi as he discusses the many faces of love.

“It is not thy body that I love, it is thy soul, and all the goodness, and sweetness, and strength thereof.” – The Heart of a Gopi

Rest in Your Being (24:55)
Ram Dass begins the meditation with a call to bring awareness to your body and personality. Let each breath bring you more into your body, and feel your way into yourself.

“Hold no model of how it ought to be other than the way it is; allow for the moment to be what it is.” – Ram Dass

The Seeker (31:18)
Ram Dass leads a guided meditation where you are a seeker of truth looking for an enlightened being, a guru. He reads from Swami Rama Tirtha and ends the meditation by sharing the grace of the moment with all beings who are suffering.

“Experience the quietness at the core of your being. Experience the non-clinging quality that allows everything to be here, but nothing to be held on to. Experience your heart as liquid, flowing energy that is compassion.” – Ram Dass

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Be Here Now Network says:

Wat​ch the latest Ram Dass Documentary film on Becoming Nobody on https://gaia.com/BeHereNow. The https://gaia.com/BeHereNow library supports you with transformational content. See it for yourself and go to https://gaia.com/BeHereNow and check out the Be Here Now Playlist curated just for you. Visit https://gaia.com/BeHereNow to start your free trial today.

Shad Chancey says:

Such a nourishing episode. Thank you. 🙌🏻

timprobability says:

I need ram dass to read me bedtime stories tbh

Jimmy says:


L b says:

So needed to hear this one right now. Thanks for sharing. 🙏✌️❤️

D M says:

Beautiful. So blessed to have listened to this. Thank you Raghu and Ram Dass.

bassmuso says:

17:30 Ram start

Shy Glo says:

Awesome video!

Ethan Oakes says:

So thankful for all of these new uploads! Seriously, these fill my heart.

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