Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 162 – The Transition from Somebody to Nobody

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Wat​ch the latest Ram Dass Documentary film on Becoming Nobody on https://gaia.com/BeHereNow. The https://gaia.com/BeHereNow library supports you with transformational content. See it for yourself and go to https://gaia.com/BeHereNow and check out the Be Here Now Playlist curated just for you. Visit https://gaia.com/BeHereNow to start your free trial today.

Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 162 – The Transition from Somebody to Nobody : https://youtu.be/1m7L3PUxxKE
Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 162 – The Transition from Somebody to Nobody : https://beherenownetwork.com/ram-dass-here-and-now-ep-162-the-transition-from-somebody-to-nobody/

In this riveting Q&A session from a 1989 retreat, Ram Dass answers questions around making the transition from somebody to nobody, right effort, doubt versus faith, and much more.

The Transition from Somebody to Nobody
In this Q&A session from 1989’s ‘Listening Heart’ retreat, the first question is around learning how to just be. Ram Dass talks about making the transition from somebody to nobody, comparing it to adjusting to a really hot bath. By quieting the mind and cultivating spacious awareness, we can learn to just be.

“On the journey of becoming somebody – having a name, an identity, and a place – we feared the cracks in that where we weren’t somebody; we feared the nobody-ness. And then, when we turn around and start to become nobody, all of our old fears of not being something come up again.” – Ram Dass

Timing in Right Effort (29:57)
The next questions are about facing our dark sides, how much effort we should put into changing our lives and listening to our hearts. Ram Dass talks about how Right Effort is often misunderstood, and the role timing plays in the effort equation. He tells a classic story about his endeavors at a fiercely strict Zen Buddhism retreat.

“The ego is so exquisite at masking and imitating the deeper voices of our truth.” – Ram Dass

Morning Glories (54:00)
Ram Dass answers questions around doubt versus faith, letting go of the desire for happiness, and cultivating perspective during difficult times. He compares faith and doubt to the opening and closing of morning glory flowers and talks about not basing our faith on our past experiences.

“Faith is understanding that as long as there are any clingings in you at all, that you are going to lose the spiritual material aspects of spiritual experience, which is understanding, bliss, rapture, feeling of intimacy; anything that is an experience connected with spirituality is going to come and go.” – Ram Dass

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Be Here Now Network says:

Wat​ch the latest Ram Dass Documentary film on Becoming Nobody on https://gaia.com/BeHereNow. The https://gaia.com/BeHereNow library supports you with transformational content. See it for yourself and go to https://gaia.com/BeHereNow and check out the Be Here Now Playlist curated just for you. Visit https://gaia.com/BeHereNow to start your free trial today.

Brandon Garewal says:

Raghu, I gotta ask; what is the reason for the HUGE gap between you and Ram Dass? Did you do a fraction of LSD that RD did? You are so far from Ram Dass' mindset. You always ask for money. You always tell the stories that RD is going to tell. You are deeply emotional and were upset with his transition.

I usually skip all of your words because of this and regret it everytime I don't. You would think that you would be a lot different spending so much time with him. Plus, when you have in person talks with Ram Dass you have corrected him a bunch of times rather than just respecting his point and words. You think we want to hear your opinion? I'm not here for you at all. In fact, you are the only thing that makes me say "Ah, so."

Get over yourself and just get to Ram Dass' words. He is the elephant and you are the ant.

Gundy says:

When I first began to listen I would
Think who is this guy talking before Baba talks ? I got to admit my heart has opened in love for Raghu. A true mensch!
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you !

Miguel Angel Martinez says:

I want to buy this documental.

Kyle Hampton says:

20:02 thank you Raghu 🙏🏻

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