Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 179 – Astral Planes, Time, Paradox, and Freedom

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Mapping the physical, causal, and astral planes of existence, Ram Dass reconciles time within the paradox of ‘being here now,’ inviting us into the freedom of limitless awareness.

(0:00) – Ep. 179 – Astral Planes, Time, Paradox, and Freedom

Illuminating the interconnected nature of the various planes of existence we inhabit throughout our journey of awakening, Ram Dass draws a roadmap of consciousness through responding to a well-structured, organic build of audience questions. Contemplating the notion of time in relation to his famous statement and book, ‘Be Here Now,’ Ram Dass shares Maharajji stories to tie together paradox, welcoming us into the freedom of living within the illusion, but without being caught by it.

(0:15) – Planes of Existence: Astral, Causal, & Physical
Answering questions regarding our relationship with astral planes, Ram Dass lays out a tangible scaffolding for understanding the layered and nuanced planes of existence we encounter through (and beyond) our human form. Roadmapping from the physical, to the astral, to the causal, to the formless, Ram Dass outlines the inherent beauty and spiritual potential encased within human incarnation for allowing us to inhabit and work with all of these planes at once.

“The karma of the higher plane invests the next lower plane with form, so your causal karma determines your astral form, and your astral karma determines your physical form… So, for you to be free, it means being free not only of the physical plane, but being free of the astral, mythic, archetypal; and being free even of the idea of a soul, self, or separateness which gains you back into the causal plane.” – Ram Dass

(10:01) – Time & Truth: The Paradox of Being Here Now
How do you cut through time? Either from standing back far enough, or going in deep enough. Through this lens, Ram Dass describes how ‘Be Here Now’ isn’t to be misconstrued as an inconsideration of past and future, but rather ‘being here now‘ is a full recognition of the total interconnection that this moment has within it the lawful unfolding of everything that has happened and everything that will ever happen.

“This moment has in it a lawful connection to everything that’s going to happen and everything that ever did happen. It’s not only lawfully connected across space, but across time as well. So that when you are sufficiently quiet and centered, you are in the presence of all of it. That’s when Kalu [Rinpoche] says, ‘You are nothing, and realizing you are nothing, you are everything.’ At that moment you are past, and future, and all of it.” – Ram Dass

(20:16) – Freedom: Maharajji & Becoming Nobody
Responding to a question on the nature of freedom, Ram Dass invites us to imagine extricating oneself from identification with any plane we are standing—astral, causal, or physical—leaving only the is-ness of awareness. Describing this, he shares his Guru, Maharajji, as an example of a free being who is beyond time, without form or limit, yet still totally present on all planes. Outlining the journey from somebody to nobody, Ram Dass shares the freedom of how to live in the illusion without getting caught by it.

“Imagine what it would be like to be a wide-open heart who was in the presence of all of the world’s suffering and existence; and at the same moment to have the wisdom and equanimity in which you have full understanding of why it all is the way it is.” – Ram Dass

Mindrolling – Raghu Markus – Ep. 390 – Becoming Somebody with Ram Dev: https://youtu.be/6X8L2Pt21GA
Mindrolling – Raghu Markus – Ep. 390 – Becoming Somebody with Ram Dev: https://beherenownetwork.com/mindrolling-raghu-markus-ep-390-becoming-somebody-with-ram-dev-dale-borglum

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Paul Storan says:

Namaste thankyou

jugganaut26 says:

"Next Friday is in this moment. Next Saturday is in this moment. I'm not busy living in next Saturday and missing this moment; this moment includes next Friday and next Saturday. The confusion about 'being here now' is people think it means 'be here now to the exclusion of yesterday and tomorrow' and that is not what it means. It means being fully in the moment which includes everything else."

Daniel Nathaniels says:

just to clarify a detail, ram dass used the term schizophrenia but was misinformed about it's definition as are many. i was diagnosed with schizophrenia and have been treated for it by psychiatrists for decades and the main symptoms i suffer from (and the main reasons by which i'm categorized schizophrenic) are noted hallucinations and delusions. not separate personalities that switch on and off in a single person. what ram dass was describing there is multiple personality disorder. which is a completely different mental condition. for whatever reason it's a common misconception. jim carrey got it wrong too in, "me, myself, and irene" if you know that movie.

Shannon Ciara says:


Captain Omoplata says:

This isn’t even a lecture, it’s an interview. Which leads me to believe he comes up with this shit off the top. Incredible.

Steven R says:

I wish these teachers would tell the truth. This is the lowest level of vibration, hell in Christian terms. Trapped in maya we are cut off from our creator and death is the communion.

Aidan Hogg says:

Jesus Christ is the answer.

Disciple of Self School says:

Amazing content from Ram Das

Jim Morgan says:

did not hear Ram Das voice

Millennially Challenged says:

Thank you 🙏♾☮🕉☯️

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