Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 189 – Cyberspace and Consciousness

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In this lively Q&A session filled with laughter and love, Ram Dass reflects on psychedelic lessons, what cyberspace means for consciousness and so much more.

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Show Notes

Psychedelic Lessons
This Q&A session from 1994 begins with questions about getting caught up in self-righteousness, and what lessons Ram Dass has learned from his experiences with psychedelics. Ram Dass talks about how he uses methods like psychedelics to help him get straight with other methods. He explores why psychedelics are no longer critical to his process.

“I love [psychedelics], and I think they’re wonderful, but I very rarely feel a pull to take them.” – Ram Dass

Antidepressants and Meditation
Next up are questions about working with darkness, whether or not antidepressants can help with meditation, and if Ram Dass still communicates with his non-physical friend, Emmanuel. Ram Dass talks about focusing on the mechanics of thought, rather than the content of thought, and how meditation can help extricate us from identification with our thoughts. 

“Instead of trying to get out of the shadow, the dark, which I think reinforces the shadow, actually, reinforces the reality of it, it’s better to just do your practices.” – Ram Dass

Cyberspace and Consciousness
Ram Dass handles two final questions: what does cyberspace mean for consciousness, and whether he’s about to disappear for a few years to write a new book. From his viewpoint in 1994, Ram Dass talks about profound new technologies such as computers and cyberspace, and how he worries they could have a big impact on our interpersonal relations over time.

“I think when a new technology comes along, we in the West are so much coming out of the myth of progress, that we see new as better. And new is different, it’s not necessarily better. It may open certain doors, and it’ll close others. I mean, the nature of the computer chip has certainly changed all of our lives. And I don’t think we yet understand how profoundly it has changed our lives.” – Ram Dass

Ram Dass Here and Now Ep. 189: Cyberspace and Consciousness: https://youtu.be/HAZKvOHT0ok
Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 189 – Cyberspace and Consciousness: https://beherenownetwork.com/ram-dass-here-and-now-ep-189-cyberspace-and-consciousness

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Raw LAHiabetes says:

Sigh. Wish you didn't kill my interest in this podcast with a long drawn out talk about CBD oil and hemp.

Arlo Sage says:

Is this just sitar music or is there a specific name? I can never find it that sounds like this it’s so calming

pranakaw says:

be here now…be here now…be here now. LOVE IT!!!

Paula DeMichele says:

All of the questions asked here are more critical than in 1994 when Ram Dass gave these answers. Humans keep looking for THE panatoxin so that that we can invent THE panacea to wipe away all painful inner conflict. Many people try to use Buddhist meditation this way. Cyberspace in 2021 is a space for the abuse and manipulation of individuals, democratic systems, and personal dignity on Twitter and Facebook – and a space generating addiction. Jaron Lanier, inventor of VR whom Ram Dass mentions, has since the '90's, written several books about the abuses of cyberspace – the contents of his most recent book, Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now, made me cringe – and made me grateful I've never opened a Facebook account.

The same applies to to the medical technology of anti-psychotic drugs. I took Paxil for a specific condition for a limited time. Yes, it can give you a calm distance on oppressive emotions. Yes, for the most serious conditions such as manic depression it can give a space that allows other treatment such as meditation to take hold – IF other treatment is used. Mostly it's not used. But yes, anti-psychotics also cause conditions of psychosis leading to violence and suicide. What was touted as a panacea is now a new panatoxin for millions.


Hare Krishna!

objectivity gate says:

SSRI’s are helpful to reach a state of relative equilibrium in your mind. They address problems due to abuse. They help to quell over negative thinking.
One can do it the other way but I needed them because I smoke a lot of weed which makes me somewhat paranoid and they provide a kind of bulwark against spiral thinking

InfamousMedia says:

Ram Dass was a gift to humanity 🙏

4Layers OfStrength says:

20:00 (21:25)

Videographer Experience says:


Gixellia says:

I follow the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda. Years ago, I listened to Ram Dass, before his stroke. Thank you for your network :o)

Ayush Shukla says:

Jai maharaj ji

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