Ram Dass – Here We All Are (Audio Cleaned Up)

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In the late 1960s, Ram Dass helped shaped the awakening consciousness of an entire generation with his bestseller, Be Here Now. After spending the next two years with his guru in India, Ram Dass lectured throughout the world, dedicating himself to the service of others. He recorded Here We All Are, which reflects the transformation of Dr. Richard Alpert to Ram Dass, after his first trip to India in 1969. In this lecture Ram Dass explains how he moved from the structured academic world to wide-open experiences with psychedelics with Timothy Leary. This thirst for knowledge led him to India, where he met Bhagavan Dass who taught him to “just be here now.” and brought him to Neem Karoli Baba.

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Ethan Oakes says:

How many countless times have i listened to this lecture… Seems like i always end up catching something new each time

Антон Мищенко says:


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