Ram Dass Holiday Special (feat. Krishna Das) | [ Unedited | Full Lecture | No Music ]

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Elder Ram Dass gives us a glimpse into his soul state in this un-guarded hangout with his pals Krishna Das and Raghu Markus. This recording originally took place in late November of 2017 on Maui at the Makawao Union Church Hall. May we soak in these deep lessons and behold our beloved teacher in his more perfected form.


0:00 Seaon’s greetings gang!
0:44 Raghu remembers India
2:10 Quick KD joke
4:20 Ram Dass on Joy
6:30 The Soul’s Origin
8:50 Planes of Consciousness
11:33 How souls are
13:50 Being with pain
15:23 A truth (;
17:15 Dont steal home
19:50 Speaking to Shiva
21:20 Hanuman and Shiva
23:10 Hilarious moment
24:50 The Individual Soul





The Inner Academy is a virtual wisdom school from the Love Serve Remember Foundation, featuring a vast collection of courses, lectures, and practices from Ram Dass and our family of wise and inspiring teachers. It’s designed to awaken the heart to compassion, service, and radical love in these ever-changing times.

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… ______ …

The Love Serve Remember Foundation is dedicated to preserving and continuing the teachings of Ram Dass and his guru, Neem Karoli Baba.

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@AdrienneSzelag says:

I been flowing Ram Dass teachings 4 years. He transformed my life , from looking for love to BEING LOVE! Hope to be there in person in Maui one day. Namaste ❤

@fannylegrand2112 says:

Recycle?! 🤣 Thank you 🙏 RD it’s all perfect 💗🐵🌈

@kikiu1062 says:

Love your channel ❤

@C45Sdf3 says:

Way too many ads

@annelevitt4793 says:

A wonderful, moving visit with Ram Dass (and those other guys, too😊)🙏❤️

@jessicamaden707 says:

This is such a unique gift. Thank you

@peacepaint917 says:



I love You Krishna Das… I love you Ram Dass.. I love You Maharaji.. Love & Light to all beings !

@KatrissaBallet says:

Happy Holidays, warm winter blessings ♥️❄️…!! Archives of moments like this are so precious! My partner and I make bootleg VHSes for our own personal use, this will be a lovely addition to our RD collection 🙂 ♥️

@joker-mo8cb says:

Oh Ram Dass please help my mind to be at peace. I love you, I don't know why I constantly go back and forth up and down all the time. I love you Maharaji. Har Har Mahadev!!! Jai Ma Durga!!! ❤️❤️❤️🕉️🕉️🕉️🔯🔯🔯

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