50 years ago. I stumbled across BE HERE NOW. I was completely changed. I started a relationship with Ram Dass. Wrote him often. Then one day he had some of his closest students contact me. I was adopted by Bo and Sita Lozoff. They took care of me when I was in jail. And to this day I remember Ram Dass and Bo and Sita Lozoff. I have fond memories every single day, going on now 50 years ago. Peace, my teacher.
50 years ago. I stumbled across BE HERE NOW. I was completely changed. I started a relationship with Ram Dass. Wrote him often. Then one day he had some of his closest students contact me. I was adopted by Bo and Sita Lozoff. They took care of me when I was in jail. And to this day I remember Ram Dass and Bo and Sita Lozoff. I have fond memories every single day, going on now 50 years ago. Peace, my teacher.
Love it! Thank you so much for creating! Will share with as many others as possible!
Infinite Intelligent Determined Integrated Investing (II👊II) in ourselves and humanity…one positive thought energy at a time.
#Believe #Determination #mindpower #mindcontrol #mindset #mindhealth #mindwealth #mastery #greatness #BelieveNation #DetermineNation