Ram Dass in Franklin New Hampshire 1969

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Pre BE HERE NOW book release, the original footage was shot on Ram Dass’ father’s home in Franklin, New Hampshire 1969. Many ideas in this video were the beginning concepts for BE HERE NOW. Ram Dass gets into the here and now reality and who we think we are.

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Doug bananaboy says:

What do you do ?

Tom Morrison says:

I am god you're god- Then why are we controlled by time? There is a supreme God and we are just his small parts. We are not in controll.

Gian Ornedo says:

I can't seem to quiet down, I'm getting lost.

Micah Oved says:

i love this. good watch like every morning

Jason Knight says:

I like how they show people doing lots of stuff when he's talking about just being.

Randall Schoverling says:

I know where this is. My family has a cottage on Webster lake in Franklin Nh.

SOCRATES012 says:

Names Mr Hard. Ram Dass Hard. Pleasure to meet you Miss 🙂

Padmavyuha Kalpa says:

Namaste. RD reached across the Astral plane and directed my sorry self to my Self. It was my turn. Heart 2 Heart w/RD. AAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Paan Wu Dong says:

After an awakening from a Ram Dass video,
I fell in love with everybody. I met a very wonderful girl shortly after.
A couple weeks after we fell in Love, I found out she was born in the same
hospital as me, 12 hours before me. We were in the maternity ward together…
right next to each other. It only took 40 years to find each other again.
God is awesome.

matydrum says:

@ThirdEye1989 , seriously? man that's so great! do u have news from him? what did that bring in his life? unexplainable things, beautyfull aswell, happened to me and 3 friends on lsd, that's the first story I hear that is as crazy as what happened to me!

Aaron Thibeault says:

If that isn't a sign from the universe, I don't know what is! Hahaaa.

wonderland78 says:

great stuff. Long live Neem Karoli Baba.

clickswitchh says:

we are coming to live in the dao …

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