Ram Dass: "Judaism and Spirituality"

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A lecture given by Ram Dass at the University of Judaism in 1992 where he reflects on his on path in light of his Jewish upbringing, and his insights into the richness of Jewish spiritual practice and wisdom.

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Lil Fireworkz says:

He has the energy of Saturn in the thumbnail… very "powerful" vibration

Polka Dot says:

Ram Dass is jewish? That explains so much.

Lazer Lloyd says:

Is it possible the full speech without it being cut?

The Don Wesley says:

Zac Thank you so much

Jam Dongchin says:

Oh my gosh Zac where did you find this video lecture? I have been a Ram Dass fan for years and have always known there were more lecture videos somewhere, but out of reach.

Sheila McCauley says:

Is he appropriating india's culture?

ratzfert says:

Thank you for sharing

GG Bouvier says:

Ram Dass looks so handsome and he was a rock star of the spiritual awakening movement. Be was BRILLIANT intellectually and spiritually. I wish I would have known about him and his wisdom many years prior. But when the student is ready, the teacher will show up.He gave his life educating the world how to become free. He is a gift to the world!! THANK YOU RAM DASS! Love, love, love how you have enlightened me and my spirit! Namaste!!😘❤️

ratzfert says:

I just realized big difference Buddhism versus Judaism is the leader standing versus seating ❤️

richard belisle says:

He looks so uncomfortable…perhaps it's the subject matter?? Don't know

paintpaper9 says:

thank you💖

sangeeta khedkar says:

Thank you for posting this.

8999jude says:

Thank you a wonderful posting.

Jonathan Dukes says:

What an incredible being and what an incredible video! Thank you for uploading 🙏

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