Ram Dass Lecture – SEVA Foundation Benefit, 1985 (Full)

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An evening with Ram Dass in 1985 at the SEVA Foundation Benefit. Ram Dass discusses the nature of suffering, compassion and the perfection of the universe.

Recorded in 1985 at Julia Richman High School in New York City

In this full-length lecture, begins with Ram Dass discussing his name which means “Servant of God”. All of us have parallel journeys. When one of us goes through something, others are having the same experience.

Ram Dass discusses the clarity psychedelics gave him in regards to social roles. His heart opened up to compassion. Ram Dass discusses the nature of suffering, compassion and the perfection of the universe.

Ram Dass talks about his non-physical friend, Emanuel, who says that dying is “like taking off a tight shoe”. The body is just an incarnation. As long as we identify with just our body, we are nothing more than laws. Emanuel asks, “Do you want to be the victim or the creator?”. You didn’t ask for these things to happen to you. But if you flip to another level of consciousness, you begin to experience that which created your form. You are both the creator and the victim. The part of you who is not in it, appreciates the perfection, even of the suffering.

Ram Dass speaks about caring for his father, working with prisoners and with the dying. He played many roles while serving his aging father. His father was the same every day and became like the guru, mirroring Ram Dass back to him.

Q&A with Ram Dass and the audience for the Seva Foundation. Ram Dass discusses how the guru found him.

When a spiritual leader becomes corrupt it affects all of our faith. It’s hard to keep your high in New York City when you are exposed to all of the desires. So some spiritual teachers from the east become impure. The game is much more subtle than some linear teaching. We learn from impure teachers who buy rolls royces just as much as we learn from verbal teachings. Ram Dass talks about MDMA and how he came to realize that he is enough, without drugs, without his Guru. Just being himself is enough.

The Love Serve Remember Foundation is dedicated to preserving and continuing the teachings of Ram Dass and his guru, Neem Karoli Baba.


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Emil_S says:

❤️ Beautiful lecture.

FLmetalhead says:

Ram in a costume ha. 🌎✌️🍄🙌

Glitz and Gratitude says:

Thank you very much for this.
I have been on a silent journey inside myself for the last two years.
It is very similar to what I'm hearing.
I recently added a YouTube channel to spread love I hope you won't find it to unbearable but stop by anytime friends.
Thankful for the teachings of Ram Dass. 😊

A. says:

Beautiful. Thank you. ❤️🙏

Jonathan van Hassel says:

John Cleese?!

Karen Housley says:

Ild like to dose my family and watch them grow as a society

Georgios Giannoutsos Barkas says:

"Oh boy, it's such fun to play all these games. It all seems real for a moment." ❤️

LWL Productions says:

Ram ram ram!

Hillary Hoffmann says:

Gratitude gratitude gratitude. His voice is an instant drop in for me. All souls having a human experience. Our own curriculum. No errors in form. Like a deep breath ❤️

Brook Bergsma says:

Ram this incarnation was and continues to be one for the books

Maximus 2016 says:

Thank you for posting!!! I just love this guy, can't get enough of listening to his wisdom. God bless You Ram Dass, werever you are.

Ankur sharma says:

Ram ram 🙏🌹🙏

Jordan Collie says:

Thank you. Peace and blessings.

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