Ram Dass | Morning Meditation | [Black Screen / No Music / Full Lecture]

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Start your morning off with this rare gem of a morning meditation, It was originally recorded at The Spirit of Service Workshop at Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY on 6/18/1986. We hope it guides you deeper into the moment arising and we thank you for listening.


0:00 Welcome meditation community!
0:15 How to come home?
1:00 Don’t make meditation a hell for yourself
3:30 Awareness flows freely
6:20 Sensations and thoughts are like clouds
11:20 Like a bee collecting honey, just happening
12:20 Now letting go of collecting anything
13:50 Deepen your own meditation
16:03 Focus on the tip of the nose, in and out
19:20 Awareness of breath rising and falling
24:01 Note awareness of phenomenon and return
26:50 Come back without judgement
28:30 Notice entire breath
31:20 Stay with the breath
34:15 Stay with rising and falling, in and out
35:11 Thank you family, good day!


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The Love Serve Remember Foundation is dedicated to preserving and continuing the teachings of Ram Dass and his guru, Neem Karoli Baba.

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@lindasmith3978 says:

Thank you for this! Very useful info.

@arielcdo says:

Message for raghu- i came to know Ram dass through your podcast on spotify so thank you. ❤

@ErnieMielkie-q7b says:

Martin Kenneth White Dorothy Gonzalez Jessica

@Rpf713 says:

Kha se ho gurudev aap

@faaeyn says:

Done ✅ thanks ❤ I really appreciate it.

@telysia_com says:

3025 loves this!

@stankymans says:

i love listening to these meditations with long silence even when im doing other things, its like he drops by whenever i get sucked in to remind me

@Dalton-vq5le says:

Jai Shri Ram

@dharmic_efforts says:

Thank you.

More individual RD meditations, chants and singing videos on the channel would be wonderful. Also playlists of the lectures divided by decade?
I find the inner academy kind of awkward and clunky on site and much prefer RD only content so any consideration here is very appreciated.

with love and gratitude x

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