Ram Dass “Nothing happened”

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When Ram Dass gave his guru LSD, nothing happened… The guru was already living spirit realized, what could happen? This story is expanded on with footage of the guru neem karoli baba and Krishna Das chanting music… A good mix, with a powerful message about spirit… Enjoy Visit my website: http://ericlan4.wix.com/cosmicjoke

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Lawrence Stangenberg says:

Great saints can drink poison with no ill effects because they are not identified with the body.

Kashmiri Apple says:

Thats the difference between the Indian yogis and western missionaries. The hindu yogi gurus connect you to your inner self whereas the missiinaries are there to just do their job of converting people to christanity and handing them a bible.

falundafa says:

Falun Dafa is a cultivation system in the Buddha School, saving people, that is based on the principles of the Universe:

真 Truthfulness
善 Compassion
忍 Forbearance

It teaches elevation of one's moral character. Since 1999 it has been brutally persecuted by the CCP in China. Good people are being tortured, raped, killed, force-fed, deprived of sleep and have organs harvested from simply because their spiritual belief. Millions practitioners were killed by the evil CCP.


Heart is Thy Name, O Lord says:

Visiting the living spirit of Christ just once for a few hours opened my eyes in my late teens. Afterwards, I sought "enlightenment", naturally. Grace eventually led me to the feet of the great master, Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi and his teachings on Self-inquiry. I will always be grateful to Ram Dass. 

zezt says:

well I dont buy it! For one, sacred medicine is far older than the guru system, and is really COMMUNAL. A communal sharing of the sacrament. The guru system however is followers looking up to a 'holy man' trip—a myth many hippis like Ram Dass chased after and proselytized about, like he's doing here. There is no way you can keep on a psychedelic level all the time. In fact the very trip waxes climaxes and wanes. Such is LIFE. Life is change, and not racing some static level of perfection.

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